Monday, 3 May 2010

Linke in a video from US - Eating sushi

Yu, from "Rouge Morgue" (before member of Cinema Bizarre) is making videos in US. Here is a new video from him, where Linke is in as well, eating sushi with him and some other people!!
In the description of the video, Yu have written:
"These are some scenes from the last days and been pretty random. Met up with Linke from Panik whos making his thing over here in California now aswell, check him out on
Had a nice eve with all the rockers, Jinxx, Sammi, Linke, Suzy and Brittany of course haha
...its random! @_@ "

You can see Linke at, 1:06-2:12 (silence Linke - eating sushi)

Tip for the video, found on!!!


simplywolfie said...

Thanks for mentioning us ;)

Line said...

Of course :D :D You mention me as well ;)

ATLpanikChik said...

hahahah awesome! Love Yu/CB!!!

And I've totally played with one of those Zambi elephants in the store. It's soooooooo cute! *squee*