Friday, 16 July 2010

About news

Hi all
It's not possible for me to get on the internet and write news!
So my wonderful friend Jess have been so amazing, that she helps me with the news!
Thats why it says that Jess have made the posts :D
Hope you all are doing fine!
Love from Line


Jess said...

I didn't notice that. LOL.

(and now it's so typical, that my internet has shut down, due to some idiots on our fucking internet company :D but I'll login every evening if I'll have access to the internet wire, my sister tend to take it, ehee...)

Line said...

No way! How stupid xD ! You don't have to worry too much about it!! just write if it's possible! Don't use too much time ;) :D

Jess said...

It sucks! it's the second time, and the same problem as before :s if you remember, when internet shut down after 5 minutes to not work for an hour before the company fixed it and then after 5 minutes and so on D: it suuuucks!!!

Line said...

Ah! Thats serious crazy studip -.-' How annoying!!!