Watched with @laudenbonk the pilot episode of chuck.
31st Octeerm, right now, i guess.. long video..
46 minutes ago
Your wish is my command - check kyte.tv/panik or myspace.com/panikmusik RT @panikmusik @laudenbonk awwww I want too((( Play for us on-line))
56 minutes ago
listen to @laudenbonk´s piano play.. beautiful :)
1 hour ago
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Piazumanju live
Piazumanju gigs:
27/05/10 - Hamburg, Brücke
29/05/10 - Duisburg, Folkfestival Duisburg
05/06/10 - Ellersdorf, Wilwarin-Festival
19/06/10 - Lüneburg, Parklokal Festival
26/06/10 - Karlsruhe, Sommerunifest
03/08/10 - Bremen, Viva con Aqua
11/09/10 - Hamburg, Freundlich+Kompetent
Piazumanju gigs:
27/05/10 - Hamburg, Brücke
29/05/10 - Duisburg, Folkfestival Duisburg
05/06/10 - Ellersdorf, Wilwarin-Festival
19/06/10 - Lüneburg, Parklokal Festival
26/06/10 - Karlsruhe, Sommerunifest
03/08/10 - Bremen, Viva con Aqua
11/09/10 - Hamburg, Freundlich+Kompetent
Timo twitter update 29th + 30th Oct
Off to @laudenbonk. Good bye lovely flat..
41 minutes ago
Lose yourself in the music, the moment, You own it, you better never let it go!
3 hours ago
Space on the street :) wow, so deep. Bye.
11 hours ago
Back home. In the night xou have more space. Space to think, space to write, space just for you! Good night world.
11 hours ago
Haha, yes ya! RT @panikmusik i'm washing clothes. we're living the high life! so rock'n'roll :)
14 hours ago
Off to the gym.. Yes, normal people are drinking or dancing right now.. Maybe i should visit a sleep-doctor or something like this.
14 hours ago
or in german: Hallo Ween? muhahaha... in know.
17 hours ago
Off to @laudenbonk. Good bye lovely flat..
41 minutes ago
Lose yourself in the music, the moment, You own it, you better never let it go!
3 hours ago
Space on the street :) wow, so deep. Bye.
11 hours ago
Back home. In the night xou have more space. Space to think, space to write, space just for you! Good night world.
11 hours ago
Haha, yes ya! RT @panikmusik i'm washing clothes. we're living the high life! so rock'n'roll :)
14 hours ago
Off to the gym.. Yes, normal people are drinking or dancing right now.. Maybe i should visit a sleep-doctor or something like this.
14 hours ago
or in german: Hallo Ween? muhahaha... in know.
17 hours ago
Friday, 29 October 2010
David twitter update 28th Oct
17 hours ago
whuhuuuu have my new macbook, and its aaaawesome
28 oct
17 hours ago
whuhuuuu have my new macbook, and its aaaawesome
28 oct
Timo twitter update 25th-29th Oct
Hello, Mr Ween.
1 hour ago
haha..nice! but why im JD, Im Turk! :) http://tiny.cc/mjewu
28 Oct
@laudenbonk http://tiny.cc/skh3y Just for you! :)
28 Oct
Night, tweople.. I think i must change my sleep pattern :) Tomorrow ill start with it.. NOT. - Anyway, good night :)
28 Oct
Could u do me a favour?One of the best tv shows ive seen in years need your help. Plz vote for chuck http://tiny.cc/yztq9 to save the show.
26 Oct
so.. now davids macbook pro is broken, too! poor @laudenbonk ! :)
26 Oct
Joot Night :) people..
25 oct
Hello, Mr Ween.
1 hour ago
haha..nice! but why im JD, Im Turk! :) http://tiny.cc/mjewu
28 Oct
@laudenbonk http://tiny.cc/skh3y Just for you! :)
28 Oct
Night, tweople.. I think i must change my sleep pattern :) Tomorrow ill start with it.. NOT. - Anyway, good night :)
28 Oct
Could u do me a favour?One of the best tv shows ive seen in years need your help. Plz vote for chuck http://tiny.cc/yztq9 to save the show.
26 Oct
so.. now davids macbook pro is broken, too! poor @laudenbonk ! :)
26 Oct
Joot Night :) people..
25 oct
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
News about Frank's album and a new song!!
At green-entertainment.de there is new info about Frank!
English: Frank Ziegler, the former singer in Panik, before Nevada Tan, is new here in our management and works on his Solo-Debut. The album will in spring 2011 be released and be great
Here, Frank was preforming a new song at "Tanzen mit Stars", - probably from his upcoming album!
Tips from @_nini_90 and Jana! THANKS A LOT!
At green-entertainment.de there is new info about Frank!
Frankie ... ex Panik
Frank Ziegler, der ehemalige Sänger von Panik, bzw. Nevada Tan ist neu bei uns im Management und arbeitet an seinem Solo-Debut. Das Album wird zum Frühjahr 2011 kommen und ein Knaller werden.
English: Frank Ziegler, the former singer in Panik, before Nevada Tan, is new here in our management and works on his Solo-Debut. The album will in spring 2011 be released and be great
Here, Frank was preforming a new song at "Tanzen mit Stars", - probably from his upcoming album!
Tips from @_nini_90 and Jana! THANKS A LOT!
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Timo twitter update 23rd Oct
Wanna see my first interview ive made when i was 6 or 7 years old? New Blog on myspace.com/paniktimo
3 hours ago
Wanna see my first interview ive made when i was 6 or 7 years old? New Blog on myspace.com/paniktimo
3 hours ago
new blog from Timo
Long time no see
benutzt man heute noch MySpace? Sollte ich nen eigenen Blog machen oder aus nostalgischen Gründen hier bleiben?
Gleich zu Anfang. Mir werden häufig Videolinks zugeschickt, aber das hier ist eines der Besten. Es ist wohl das erstes Interview, was ich jemals gegeben habe. Ich weiß nicht, wie alt ich da bin und auch nicht, was ich bloß an dieser Frisur gut fand. Was ich noch weiß ist, dass es wohl im Hamburger Stadtpark aufgezeichnet wurde, in dem mein Stiefvater Fred mit seiner Band ein Konzert spielten. Mitte der Neunziger war Illegal 2001 deutschlandweit sehr bekannt und ich denke damals wurde ich von dieser ganzen Musikgeschichte ziemlich angefixt. Das waren ziemlich intensive Jahre und ich habe zum ersten Mal Backstageräume, Caterings, Fernsehkameras und was sonst noch alles dazu gehört, gesehen und halbwegs verarbeitet. So richtig gerafft habe ich das Ganze als kleines Kind natürlich nicht.
Ich habe das Video gerade eben, seit über 10 Jahren, das erste Mal wieder gesehen und es ist ein komisches Gefühl. Einerseits betrachte ich den kleinen Burschen als einen Fremden, anderseits kommt so ein vetrautes, aber altes Gefühl in mir auf. Ein Gefühl, dass ich schon Jahrzehnte nicht mehr gefühlt habe. Kennt ihr das?
An jedem neuen Tag entscheidet man, wer man ist. Bin ich die Person, die ich noch vor 5 Jahren war? Nein, aber es war notwendig diese Person zu sein, um zu werden wer ich bin. Und es hört nicht auf. Es geht immer weiter. Man lernt jeden Tag dazu, man verändert sich jeden Tag ein kleines Stück. Entweder man wird weiser oder man wird härter, man öffnet oder isoliert sich, weil man weiß, wie es ist verletzt zu werden. Im Grunde machen wir doch Alle das Gleiche durch. Wir lernen immer wieder neue Leute kennen, kommen näher in Kontakt und verändern uns dadurch. Weil wir durch genau diese Leute lernen, wer WIR selber sind und wer WIR sein wollen.
Also überleg mal, warum dich gewisse Dinge an einer anderen Person so aufregen? Es hat immer was mit dir zu tun. Immer.
Andere Leute nehmen nämlich die gleiche Person völlig anders war.
Naja, um ab zu schließen: Ich bin dankbar für die Zeit, auch wenn ich so vieles vergessen hab, bin ich dankbar. Es war eine schöne Zeit und selbst wenn ich mich nicht mehr an jedes Detail (wie das Interview) erinnern kann und sich Leute verändert, sich Wege getrennt haben, bleibt diese Zeit für immer in mir. Ein Teil von mir ist in diesem kleinen Burschen und dieser kleine Bursche ist ein kleiner Teil von mir.
do people still use Myspace? Should I make a new blog or for nostalgic reasons stay here?
Right from the start. I frequently sent Videolinks, but here is one of the best. It is probably the first video that i ever gave. I don't know how old I was there, and also what I thought was good about that hairstyle. What I do know, is that it was probably filmed at the Hamburger Stadtpark, in which my stepdad, Fred, and his band played a concert at.
In the mid-ninety's, Illegal 2001, was well-known throughout Germany, and I think at this time I was pretty fixed from the whole the music-history. These were relativley intense years for the first time I had seen the backstage rooms, catering, TV cameras, and everything else that belongs with it, and how it all worked. As a kid, I of course, didn't grasp it all.
I have just seen the video for the first time in over 10 years, and it's a wierd feeling. On one side i consider the little boy as a stranger, and other side, it's a familar, but old feeling. A feeling, that I haven't felt in a decade. Do you know this?
In every new day, you learn who you are. Am I the person I was 5 years ago? No, but it was neccesary to be that person, to be who I am. And it doesn't stop. It always continues. You learn everyday, everyday you change yourself a little bit. Either you become wiser become harder, you open yourself,or you isolate yourself, because you know how it is to be hurt. We all do it through the same thing. We are always meeting new people, become closer in contact, and change ourselves for it. Because we learn through these people, who WE ourselves are and WHO we want to be.
So think about it, why do you find some people so hurtful? It always has to do with yourself. Always. Other people take the same person differently.
Well, to finish off: I am thankful for the time, also when I have forgotten so much, i am thankful. It was a nice time and even though I can't remember every detail (like the interview) and people change, paths seperate, these times always stay in me. A piece of me is in this boy, and this boy is a small piece of me.
Translation by Sara, http://fuckyeahpanik.tumblr.com/
Long time no see
benutzt man heute noch MySpace? Sollte ich nen eigenen Blog machen oder aus nostalgischen Gründen hier bleiben?
Gleich zu Anfang. Mir werden häufig Videolinks zugeschickt, aber das hier ist eines der Besten. Es ist wohl das erstes Interview, was ich jemals gegeben habe. Ich weiß nicht, wie alt ich da bin und auch nicht, was ich bloß an dieser Frisur gut fand. Was ich noch weiß ist, dass es wohl im Hamburger Stadtpark aufgezeichnet wurde, in dem mein Stiefvater Fred mit seiner Band ein Konzert spielten. Mitte der Neunziger war Illegal 2001 deutschlandweit sehr bekannt und ich denke damals wurde ich von dieser ganzen Musikgeschichte ziemlich angefixt. Das waren ziemlich intensive Jahre und ich habe zum ersten Mal Backstageräume, Caterings, Fernsehkameras und was sonst noch alles dazu gehört, gesehen und halbwegs verarbeitet. So richtig gerafft habe ich das Ganze als kleines Kind natürlich nicht.
Ich habe das Video gerade eben, seit über 10 Jahren, das erste Mal wieder gesehen und es ist ein komisches Gefühl. Einerseits betrachte ich den kleinen Burschen als einen Fremden, anderseits kommt so ein vetrautes, aber altes Gefühl in mir auf. Ein Gefühl, dass ich schon Jahrzehnte nicht mehr gefühlt habe. Kennt ihr das?
An jedem neuen Tag entscheidet man, wer man ist. Bin ich die Person, die ich noch vor 5 Jahren war? Nein, aber es war notwendig diese Person zu sein, um zu werden wer ich bin. Und es hört nicht auf. Es geht immer weiter. Man lernt jeden Tag dazu, man verändert sich jeden Tag ein kleines Stück. Entweder man wird weiser oder man wird härter, man öffnet oder isoliert sich, weil man weiß, wie es ist verletzt zu werden. Im Grunde machen wir doch Alle das Gleiche durch. Wir lernen immer wieder neue Leute kennen, kommen näher in Kontakt und verändern uns dadurch. Weil wir durch genau diese Leute lernen, wer WIR selber sind und wer WIR sein wollen.
Also überleg mal, warum dich gewisse Dinge an einer anderen Person so aufregen? Es hat immer was mit dir zu tun. Immer.
Andere Leute nehmen nämlich die gleiche Person völlig anders war.
Naja, um ab zu schließen: Ich bin dankbar für die Zeit, auch wenn ich so vieles vergessen hab, bin ich dankbar. Es war eine schöne Zeit und selbst wenn ich mich nicht mehr an jedes Detail (wie das Interview) erinnern kann und sich Leute verändert, sich Wege getrennt haben, bleibt diese Zeit für immer in mir. Ein Teil von mir ist in diesem kleinen Burschen und dieser kleine Bursche ist ein kleiner Teil von mir.
do people still use Myspace? Should I make a new blog or for nostalgic reasons stay here?
Right from the start. I frequently sent Videolinks, but here is one of the best. It is probably the first video that i ever gave. I don't know how old I was there, and also what I thought was good about that hairstyle. What I do know, is that it was probably filmed at the Hamburger Stadtpark, in which my stepdad, Fred, and his band played a concert at.
In the mid-ninety's, Illegal 2001, was well-known throughout Germany, and I think at this time I was pretty fixed from the whole the music-history. These were relativley intense years for the first time I had seen the backstage rooms, catering, TV cameras, and everything else that belongs with it, and how it all worked. As a kid, I of course, didn't grasp it all.
I have just seen the video for the first time in over 10 years, and it's a wierd feeling. On one side i consider the little boy as a stranger, and other side, it's a familar, but old feeling. A feeling, that I haven't felt in a decade. Do you know this?
In every new day, you learn who you are. Am I the person I was 5 years ago? No, but it was neccesary to be that person, to be who I am. And it doesn't stop. It always continues. You learn everyday, everyday you change yourself a little bit. Either you become wiser become harder, you open yourself,or you isolate yourself, because you know how it is to be hurt. We all do it through the same thing. We are always meeting new people, become closer in contact, and change ourselves for it. Because we learn through these people, who WE ourselves are and WHO we want to be.
So think about it, why do you find some people so hurtful? It always has to do with yourself. Always. Other people take the same person differently.
Well, to finish off: I am thankful for the time, also when I have forgotten so much, i am thankful. It was a nice time and even though I can't remember every detail (like the interview) and people change, paths seperate, these times always stay in me. A piece of me is in this boy, and this boy is a small piece of me.
Translation by Sara, http://fuckyeahpanik.tumblr.com/
Photos of Frank by Katja Kuhl
Katja Kuhl has taken some photos of Frank, and have written a blog,
read and see the photos here!
The blog post:
Franky kennen die meisten als Sänger von Nevada Tan und Panik. Neben seiner Musik arbeitet er aber auch als Schauspieler, und da er neue Fotos brauchte, hat er mich engagiert. Franky ist nicht nur extrem fotogen, sondern auch ein wahnsinnig sympathischer Typ, mit dem ich sehr gerne zusammengearbeitet habe. Wir haben aus lauter Begeisterung auch ein paar analoge Fotos gemacht, allerdings bin ich wegen zu viel Arbeit noch nicht dazu gekommen, die Filme zu entwickeln…
English (translated by me): Franky is the most known as singer for Nevada Tan and Panik. But apart from his music he also works as actor, and that he needs new photos, has he me committed (does that make sense?). Franky is not only extreme photogenic, but also a insane (very) sympathetic type, with whom I have worked very pleased. We have with big enthusiasm also some "analog photos" made, However I have, because of too much work, not yet developed the film....
Katja Kuhl has taken some photos of Frank, and have written a blog,
read and see the photos here!
The blog post:
Franky kennen die meisten als Sänger von Nevada Tan und Panik. Neben seiner Musik arbeitet er aber auch als Schauspieler, und da er neue Fotos brauchte, hat er mich engagiert. Franky ist nicht nur extrem fotogen, sondern auch ein wahnsinnig sympathischer Typ, mit dem ich sehr gerne zusammengearbeitet habe. Wir haben aus lauter Begeisterung auch ein paar analoge Fotos gemacht, allerdings bin ich wegen zu viel Arbeit noch nicht dazu gekommen, die Filme zu entwickeln…
English (translated by me): Franky is the most known as singer for Nevada Tan and Panik. But apart from his music he also works as actor, and that he needs new photos, has he me committed (does that make sense?). Franky is not only extreme photogenic, but also a insane (very) sympathetic type, with whom I have worked very pleased. We have with big enthusiasm also some "analog photos" made, However I have, because of too much work, not yet developed the film....
Timo twitter update 22nd/23rd Oct
Good night, fellows, my bed needs me :) see you tomorrow - new pic on my facebook..
11 hours ago
Good night, fellows, my bed needs me :) see you tomorrow - new pic on my facebook..
11 hours ago
David twitter update 23rd Oct
Hehe http://moby.to/c2q0nq
6 minutes ago
Sooo coooool :-) http://moby.to/38ah0s
6 minutes ago
Looking at old fanpresents :-) http://moby.to/3p9mup
1 hour ago
Hehe http://moby.to/c2q0nq
6 minutes ago
Sooo coooool :-) http://moby.to/38ah0s
6 minutes ago
Looking at old fanpresents :-) http://moby.to/3p9mup
1 hour ago
Friday, 22 October 2010
Timo twitter update 22nd Oct
back.. missed that.. ah yes, and im feeeling good, bamm badamm..
3 minutes ago
oh, fast.. just nine left.. :) okay.. so i guess i should start writing.. - but first, off to the gym!
2 hours ago
back.. missed that.. ah yes, and im feeeling good, bamm badamm..
3 minutes ago
oh, fast.. just nine left.. :) okay.. so i guess i should start writing.. - but first, off to the gym!
2 hours ago
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Timo twitter update 20th Oct
Haha, right! RT @diktator: Verlieben, wenn es einem gerade nicht so gut geht ist das hungrig Einkaufen gehen der Emotionen.
9 hours ago
Awesome! RT @MichaelAusiello: It's official: NBC picks up CHUCK" Looks like your stuck with us a bit longer!
22 hours ago
Haha, right! RT @diktator: Verlieben, wenn es einem gerade nicht so gut geht ist das hungrig Einkaufen gehen der Emotionen.
9 hours ago
Awesome! RT @MichaelAusiello: It's official: NBC picks up CHUCK" Looks like your stuck with us a bit longer!
22 hours ago
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Franky at "Tanzen mit Stars"
At Kika live they tell that Frank is going to be at "Tanzen mit starts". For you who do not know what it is, it is a program, where "starts" are going to learn to dance and are going to dance with a professional dancer.
Here is the article about it, at Kika.de, at the page they have written about Frank.
There is also a other article, here
One of the things they write is:
English: "At Second Glace" is their new album in 2010 called
Eh, this might be a mistake? - But not only this, they also tells that Frank is still a part of the band. I think these people need some more research!
At Kika live they tell that Frank is going to be at "Tanzen mit starts". For you who do not know what it is, it is a program, where "starts" are going to learn to dance and are going to dance with a professional dancer.
Here is the article about it, at Kika.de, at the page they have written about Frank.
There is also a other article, here
One of the things they write is:
„At Second Glance“ heißt ihre neue Platte im Jahr 2010."
English: "At Second Glace" is their new album in 2010 called
Eh, this might be a mistake? - But not only this, they also tells that Frank is still a part of the band. I think these people need some more research!
Article about Johanna and Frank
- By help from a anonym person here at the blog, I got this link: http://twitpic.com/2opeku
And this is the article about Frank and Johanna in Bravo!!!

Juhu, there is a new Promi-love about to start! The new pair of lovebirds are Franky Ziegler (23, ex-Panik-singer) and TV-host Johanna Klum (30)! We have seen both of them hand in hands at the München Premiere for the movie "Groupies bleiben nicht zum Frühstück". As my colleague Stefan asked Franky about the hot flirt, he unfortunately only reacted silly: "I won't say anything about that!" Boy, Franky! It's just sweeeeeeet/niiiiice...
Frank with girlfriend by the Dome

The text for the photo (translated):
- Johanna and Frank were in the Jury together by "Dein Song"
- In November 2009, Frank and Johanna as "Junge Helden" visited two schools together. See some few photos almost all way down on this site!
- Sorry for being such a bad News writer - btw!

The text for the photo (translated):
Ole Fischer, Franky Ziegler (with girlfriend Johanna Klum)- Btw, there should have been an article in Bravo about Frank and Johanna, but I have not been able to find the article.. sorry!
and Kostja Ullmann (Foto v.l.) are the band „Berlin Mitte“
- Johanna and Frank were in the Jury together by "Dein Song"
- In November 2009, Frank and Johanna as "Junge Helden" visited two schools together. See some few photos almost all way down on this site!
- Sorry for being such a bad News writer - btw!
Monday, 18 October 2010
Old Panik poster

Singer + Bassist
The band Panik (Nu metal) have played together for 2 years.
Appearance, studio and media-attention are already available/existing.
We are seeking a singer/bassist, who is younger than 20 years and possible already have band experience.
Are you interested, look below here:
(here are also songs to listen to)
or send a mail to us at:
Remember this is an old poster, you can't write them or anything xD

Singer + Bassist
The band Panik (Nu metal) have played together for 2 years.
Appearance, studio and media-attention are already available/existing.
We are seeking a singer/bassist, who is younger than 20 years and possible already have band experience.
Are you interested, look below here:
(here are also songs to listen to)
or send a mail to us at:
Remember this is an old poster, you can't write them or anything xD
David twitter update 18th Oct
Good old times ;-p http://moby.to/76erbi
11 hours ago
Got 5 new songs with timo under a closer look now.
11 hours ago
Good old times ;-p http://moby.to/76erbi
11 hours ago
Got 5 new songs with timo under a closer look now.
11 hours ago
Timo twitter update 17th Oct
Kidding. Müsli rocks :) - as well as Asia fast food :)
17 Oct
I think my extrem Müsli-phase is over.. Or nearly. After 2 month just eating Müsli and Asia-fast-food slowly i become a normal person again.
17 Oct
Kidding. Müsli rocks :) - as well as Asia fast food :)
17 Oct
I think my extrem Müsli-phase is over.. Or nearly. After 2 month just eating Müsli and Asia-fast-food slowly i become a normal person again.
17 Oct
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Monday, 11 October 2010
David twitter update 11th Oct
@panikmusik well, the world is aware that Germans are assholes. It's pretty well documented.
1 hour ago
@panikmusik well, the world is aware that Germans are assholes. It's pretty well documented.
1 hour ago
Sunday, 10 October 2010
David twitter update 10th Oct

Woooooow,ich hab deeeen Laden wiedergefunden!Hier hab ich schon mal gegessen,und heute Abend tu ich das wieder :-) http://moby.to/jz0awo
2 hours ago
English: wooooow, I have found this store/restaurant again! I have already once eaten here, and this evening I gonna do it again :-)
Dooooone! So, was fang ich nun mit nem halben Tag in Köln an? Hab Hunger..
2 hours ago
English: Dooone! So, what should I now do with a half day in Köln? I'm hungry...
I'm extremly (not sure thats a word?) bored, so here is the website for the restaurant David is going to eat at tonight: http://www.buongustokoeln.de/ - I will not call on you to stalk (or something) him! I will rather call on you not to do so ;)

Woooooow,ich hab deeeen Laden wiedergefunden!Hier hab ich schon mal gegessen,und heute Abend tu ich das wieder :-) http://moby.to/jz0awo
2 hours ago
English: wooooow, I have found this store/restaurant again! I have already once eaten here, and this evening I gonna do it again :-)
Dooooone! So, was fang ich nun mit nem halben Tag in Köln an? Hab Hunger..
2 hours ago
English: Dooone! So, what should I now do with a half day in Köln? I'm hungry...
I'm extremly (not sure thats a word?) bored, so here is the website for the restaurant David is going to eat at tonight: http://www.buongustokoeln.de/ - I will not call on you to stalk (or something) him! I will rather call on you not to do so ;)
Saturday, 9 October 2010
David twitter update 9th Oct
How niiiice :-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uz7LB1BhbF4&feature=youtube_gdata_player
1 hour ago
Good morning everyone - really early this morning, looks like I only need 7 hours of sleep to be awake :-) Off to cologne.
7 hours ago
How niiiice :-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uz7LB1BhbF4&feature=youtube_gdata_player
1 hour ago
Good morning everyone - really early this morning, looks like I only need 7 hours of sleep to be awake :-) Off to cologne.
7 hours ago
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Timo twitter update 5th+6th Oct
A fresh shower for the soul! I really like it! RT @laudenbonk Just played that and wanted to share it with you :-) http://moby.to/12kkau
12:22 AM Oct 6th via web
wow: http://tiny.cc/w5hik - beautiful!
11:01 PM Oct 5th via web
A fresh shower for the soul! I really like it! RT @laudenbonk Just played that and wanted to share it with you :-) http://moby.to/12kkau
12:22 AM Oct 6th via web
wow: http://tiny.cc/w5hik - beautiful!
11:01 PM Oct 5th via web
David twitter update 7th Oct
Search @ Youtube "Destruktiv Schneewittchen" :-)
about 2 hours ago via Twittelator
Search @ Youtube "Destruktiv Schneewittchen" :-)
about 2 hours ago via Twittelator
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Timo twitter update 4th Oct
RIP MTV Germany! Hello internet.
about 17 hours ago via web
RIP MTV Germany! Hello internet.
about 17 hours ago via web
David twitter update 5th Oct
Saying "It's not really possible to play (good) rock m… — No, I just wrote this answer already in german (formsp… http://4ms.me/aDbR6f
about 5 hours ago via Formspring.me
Ahhh, morning :-) ill go running now, and see what I can do, concerning a new Panik Song :-) fly by in my formspring, time to time :-)
about 9 hours ago via Twittelator
Saying "It's not really possible to play (good) rock m… — No, I just wrote this answer already in german (formsp… http://4ms.me/aDbR6f
about 5 hours ago via Formspring.me
Ahhh, morning :-) ill go running now, and see what I can do, concerning a new Panik Song :-) fly by in my formspring, time to time :-)
about 9 hours ago via Twittelator
David about Panik's future
From David's Formspring
Someone asked:
Saying "It's not really possible to play (good) rock music with only two people on stage." you mean that it's the end of Panik?
David answered:
No, I just wrote this answer already in german (formspring). PANIK IS ALIVE. Timo and me will meet on monday to discuss the NEW TRACKS for an album. We had a lot of trouble, concerning old contracts and availabilities, but this is over now. We now can finally start to think about our music again - and we are unbelievable sorry, that it took this long.
We will try to make it up to you again.
From David's Formspring
Someone asked:
Saying "It's not really possible to play (good) rock music with only two people on stage." you mean that it's the end of Panik?
David answered:
No, I just wrote this answer already in german (formspring). PANIK IS ALIVE. Timo and me will meet on monday to discuss the NEW TRACKS for an album. We had a lot of trouble, concerning old contracts and availabilities, but this is over now. We now can finally start to think about our music again - and we are unbelievable sorry, that it took this long.
We will try to make it up to you again.
And he wrote on Twitter:
"... ill go running now, and see what I can do, concerning a new Panik Song :-)..."
Monday, 4 October 2010
David answers about bonksonnenschein.de
On formspring Jana asked this:
What's this http://www.bonksonnenschein.de/ ? O.o
David answered:
StudioC4 is my studio. Bonksonnenschein.de is the connection of Timo and me, our both companies "C4 Studio" and "Sunshine Dreams" together on one homepage, as we are doing more and more stuff in this area.
On formspring Jana asked this:
What's this http://www.bonksonnenschein.de/ ? O.o
David answered:
StudioC4 is my studio. Bonksonnenschein.de is the connection of Timo and me, our both companies "C4 Studio" and "Sunshine Dreams" together on one homepage, as we are doing more and more stuff in this area.
Timo twitter update 4th Oct
hey, nice draw! i like it RT @SchneiderKsu i did it! :) just a little present for @panikmusik http://twitpic.com/2umug0 hope you like it ;)
about 2 hours ago via web
Hello, good morning everybody :) im not really ready for the new day, im freakin tired..
about 11 hours ago via mobile web
hey, nice draw! i like it RT @SchneiderKsu i did it! :) just a little present for @panikmusik http://twitpic.com/2umug0 hope you like it ;)
about 2 hours ago via web
Hello, good morning everybody :) im not really ready for the new day, im freakin tired..
about 11 hours ago via mobile web
David twitter update 4th Oct
Just played that and wanted to share it with you :-) http://moby.to/12kkau
about 9 hours ago via Twittelator
Just played that and wanted to share it with you :-) http://moby.to/12kkau
about 9 hours ago via Twittelator
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Probably a homepage for both David and Timo!
If you click at C4studio a page with David's music comes up.
But you can't click at Sunshine Dreams.
What do you guys think?
Tip from Jana :D
Probably a homepage for both David and Timo!
If you click at C4studio a page with David's music comes up.
But you can't click at Sunshine Dreams.
What do you guys think?
Tip from Jana :D
David facebook update about x-factor
Auf auf und davon, ab zu xfactor nach Köln :-D
English: Up and away, off to xfactor in Köln :-D
Comments by David:
Ich arbeite dort :-)
English: I work there :-)
Und irgendwie amüsant die Diskussionen hier zu verfolgen :-) warum könnt ihr euch nicht einfach für alle freuen? :-)
English: and kind of funny to follow your discussion here :-) Why can't you simply just be happy for each other?
Die Kandidaten veröffentlichen Mittwochs, am Tag nach der Show, immer Studioaufnahmen der Songs vom vorigen Abend. Die nehme ich Sonntags auf. :-)
English: The candidates publish Wednesday, the day after the show, always studieo records of the songs from the evening before. I take them on Sunday :-) (not really sure about this last sentence)
Auf auf und davon, ab zu xfactor nach Köln :-D
English: Up and away, off to xfactor in Köln :-D
Comments by David:
Ich arbeite dort :-)
English: I work there :-)
Und irgendwie amüsant die Diskussionen hier zu verfolgen :-) warum könnt ihr euch nicht einfach für alle freuen? :-)
English: and kind of funny to follow your discussion here :-) Why can't you simply just be happy for each other?
Die Kandidaten veröffentlichen Mittwochs, am Tag nach der Show, immer Studioaufnahmen der Songs vom vorigen Abend. Die nehme ich Sonntags auf. :-)
English: The candidates publish Wednesday, the day after the show, always studieo records of the songs from the evening before. I take them on Sunday :-) (not really sure about this last sentence)
Saturday, 2 October 2010
David facebook update 2nd Oct
pfuuu, that was fun, but exhausting :-) ! I hope you all dont forget the new album on iTunes (search Lauden Bonk)
2 hourd ago
online for a few minutes (im gonna take a risk and be online with open chat :-D )
3 hours ago
pfuuu, that was fun, but exhausting :-) ! I hope you all dont forget the new album on iTunes (search Lauden Bonk)
2 hourd ago
online for a few minutes (im gonna take a risk and be online with open chat :-D )
3 hours ago
David twitter update 2nd Oct
On my way to cologne - xfactor.
about 7 hours ago via Twittelator
On my way to cologne - xfactor.
about 7 hours ago via Twittelator
Timo twitter update 2nd Oct
Firefly is one of the best sci-fi shows ive ever watched.. Freakin amazing :) and funny.. Whadup, lovely fellows?
about 1 hour ago via web
Firefly is one of the best sci-fi shows ive ever watched.. Freakin amazing :) and funny.. Whadup, lovely fellows?
about 1 hour ago via web
Friday, 1 October 2010
Frank live with Berlin Mitte - clip from GBNZF
"Groupies Bleiben Nicht Zum Frühstuck", thats a pretty long name to write in the titel of a post, and there fore I will just use the letters! GBNZF ! (looks wierd though xD)
David's formspring
Well, yes, David has a formspring, but I haven't put any of his answers on this blog!
I'm sorry about it, and I won't do it, unless it's something new and important :)
But you can follow youself and read his answers, and ask him questions as well!
On facebook he wrote that you could just ask him questions about his album "version" on formspring! He has already answered on a lot of questions about it as well :)
So enjoy David's Formspring: formspring.me/laudenbonk
Well, yes, David has a formspring, but I haven't put any of his answers on this blog!
I'm sorry about it, and I won't do it, unless it's something new and important :)
But you can follow youself and read his answers, and ask him questions as well!
On facebook he wrote that you could just ask him questions about his album "version" on formspring! He has already answered on a lot of questions about it as well :)
So enjoy David's Formspring: formspring.me/laudenbonk
Timo twitter update 30th Sep
I love the fall and winter.. When its getting cold outside but so snugly inside.. but i miss my chimney :)
about 19 hours ago via web
I love the fall and winter.. When its getting cold outside but so snugly inside.. but i miss my chimney :)
about 19 hours ago via web
David twitter update 30th Sep
my favorite track on the new itunes album "version" is "think.." :-)
about 21 hours ago via web
my favorite track on the new itunes album "version" is "think.." :-)
about 21 hours ago via web
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