Woooooow,ich hab deeeen Laden wiedergefunden!Hier hab ich schon mal gegessen,und heute Abend tu ich das wieder :-) http://moby.to/jz0awo
2 hours ago
English: wooooow, I have found this store/restaurant again! I have already once eaten here, and this evening I gonna do it again :-)
Dooooone! So, was fang ich nun mit nem halben Tag in Köln an? Hab Hunger..
2 hours ago
English: Dooone! So, what should I now do with a half day in Köln? I'm hungry...
I'm extremly (not sure thats a word?) bored, so here is the website for the restaurant David is going to eat at tonight: http://www.buongustokoeln.de/ - I will not call on you to stalk (or something) him! I will rather call on you not to do so ;)
Line!! :DDDDD You really had to be bored xD But thanks for info anyway :D This restaurant looks good ;D
Hahah xD Yes totally! I have no idea what I was doing really xD
It's okay :DDDD I sometimes have this "problem" too ;D
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