Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Franky at "Tanzen mit Stars"

At Kika live they tell that Frank is going to be at "Tanzen mit starts". For you who do not know what it is, it is a program, where "starts" are going to learn to dance and are going to dance with a professional dancer.

Here is the article about it, at Kika.de, at the page they have written about Frank.
There is also a other article,

One of the things they write is:

„At Second Glance“ heißt ihre neue Platte im Jahr 2010."

English: "At Second Glace" is their new album in 2010 called
Eh, this might be a mistake? - But not only this, they also tells that Frank is still a part of the band. I think these people need some more research!


Anonymous said...

frank is going to dance ;)

Line said...

Serious? You're sure?

Anonymous said...

yes i'm sure. i'm from germany i watch it every evening. ;)

Jess said...

omg, that show is so goddamn pathetic..

jjannika25 said...

Franky is going to dance?! :D Oh my :D Hope there'll be vids somewhere xD