Friday, 31 December 2010

New Year

So, I know it isn't a new year YET, but it soon gonna be! And you know what? it's already 2011 in Australia!
So... Yeah, according to our wierd era (?) it will be 2011 very soon, today.. or actually tomorrow! Not because the world is that "young", or because we found out anything really big which changed the whole world 2011 years ago... but it's important that we have some numbers on times, otherwise it will be hard to keep control on time!
But really, I'm always kind of afraid, in a way, because "uuh a totally new year" like we are going past some line.. but really, it's not even because it's the exact time it takes for the sun to get around the earth, so acutally.. it isn't anything special ^^
I have never thought new year was anything special, but I have always been afraid what would happen! - But really, if you think about it, it is.. nothing? really...
BUT! Enough about me! YOU! and Panik! Now, we are about to start a totally new year. And what will happen?
Not much happened this year, acutally almost a very boring year, nothing big really, or? .. Not much happened for Panik, or the old members. of course Linke got a new "band", Juri joined and left a band, Frank told he was about to make a album and he was actor in his first moooovie.
Timo and David? Well.. what happened with them? - Jan we didn't hear much about!
We got a trailer for At Second Glance - woa! And nothing more xD
But they did as well play their last concert together (without Linke)
- Well, I hope you all had a nice year, and I hope you all are satisfied with what I have been doing here at the blog :)
Thank you for all your support! Thanks for this year, eventhough everything has become more silent through this year...
Happy New Year! See you in the new one :D

If you are bored, then check this out. I have choosen some of the "highlights" and most interesting posts through the year :) Enjoy!

Timo's sleeping history
Taxi Nach Paris
Kyte Chat 14th March (very long)
Neonazi, Paris concert
Frank by "Tanzen mit Stars"
Linke - Headcinema acoustic
Photo: Timo with his camera
At Second Glance trailer
Which posts from this year do you think are the best?


JulieP. said...

Happy New Year ! :D Hope this year will be good for you ^^ Thanks for what you do to put all these news on your blog !

True, this year was sooo boring x)Except Christmas, new video and Panik's song :D And Paris'show of course ^^

Like videos you put x) They make me laugh so much ! My favourites are hum.. don't really know, they are all great :')

Just hope this year will be more interesting than 2010 ! Have more news about Panik and the old members (mainly Jan, we didn't hear anything about him :o)

jjannika25 said...

Thanks for everything, Line!! Your blog is amazing! And I'm always happy to help! :D
Btw, there's a rumour that Jan is on FB. I got him in my friends, but I'm not sure if it's really him or not.. Dunno how to find out :S
And uf, gotta say that the end of 2010 was a big disappointement for me from Panik's side. No ASG. No apologize. Nothing. One guy called Christopher Dylus said: "Maybe you will get a larger version that was not planned! I've got it from a Special Source!" I think he's some guy from some band somehow connected to DA and yeah, you know.. DA and PK.. old friends or whatever so yeah, it might be true.. But I don't care about ASG anymore.. what I really mind is Timos's behaviour!! He behaves like nothing happened!! He was supposed to say smth!!!! What an idiot, really! :/
Btw, from those vids you posted.. My faves are Timo's sleeping history and Taxi nach Paris :D So funny :)
Ok, that's all I guess :D Happy New Year! <3

Line said...

I agree with you! Timo makes me really tired... I think it's typical boys probably! How do you know those things? Yeah, I won't write anything before I'm sure it's right. We need Jan to say for himself that it's his facebook :) but thanks. Happy new year Jana :D

And thank you Julie :D happy new year! I really hope some more will happen this year too!

jjannika25 said...

Yeah, yeah, typical boy.. -.-
About ASG? Well, that guy wrote it on "We wanna see ASG at last" FB page as a comment ;)
Haha, I don't think he would care that much that he would say (dunno really where :D) that it's really him :D You're welcome ;)
Thank you :D