Monday, 10 January 2011

David answers from August

Was magst du lieber: blond oder schwarz?
- Wo? An mir? :-)

Hast du eine Lieblingsgitarre?
- Epiphone baritone.

Was haben "Ce Pia Ali", "Our Story" und "N°4" für eine Bedeutung?
- Eine persönliche.

Hast du eine Adresse, um Geschenke oder Poster für eine Widmung zu schicken?
- Mel's :-p

Bist du in der Lage die schwierige Version von "Requiem for a dream" von Clint Mansell zu spielen? Wenn ja, kannst du es zeigen?
- Gibt es hier eine Klavierersion? Die kenne ich gar nicht!

Kennst du Japser? Den Gitarristen, der auf YouTube bekannt geworden ist? Wenn ja, wie findest du seine Musik?
- Nein, is mir nich bekannt :-)

Warst du mal in einem Stück im Ohnsorgtheater in HH? Wenn ja, welches Stück hast du gesehen?
- Neee, möchte ich aber gern mal!

Kann man eigentlich irgendwie an euch schreiben und ein Autogramm bekommen?
- Meeeeel :-)
What do you like the most: Blond or black?
- Where? At me? :-)

Do you have a favourite guitar?
- Epiphone Baritone

What is the meaning with "Ca Pia Ali", "Our Story" and "N°4"
- It's personal

Do you have an adress, where you can send gifts or posters for a dedication (not sure about the translation?)
- Mel's :-P

Are you able to play the difficult version of "Requiem for a dream"? If yes, can you show us?
- Is there a Pianoversion? I don't know that one!

Do you know Jasper? The guitarrist, who became famouse on Youtube? If yes, what do you think about his music?
- No, I don't know him

Have you ever been in the Ohnsorgtheater in HH and watched a play? If yes, which play have tou seen?
- Noo, but I would like to!

Can we in any way write to you and a get a autograph?
- Meeeeel :-)

/Translation by me (please correct me if I have done something wrong, I'm in a little hurry :) )


JulieP. said...

Thaaaanks you <3

Haha, I think you were really hurry, 'cause Can YOU in any way write to YOU : is there any sense ? XD I think it's Can someone :)

Line said...

Ah, it's because.. ah, that's hard to say, it's something you have in both danish and german, but really don't have a specific word for it in english, so it's actually just called "you" in english.. hard to explain xD

JulieP. said...

Oh you mean "man" in german ? like.. someone in english ? Or I just really don't get what you explain XD

Line said...

I changed it ;)
But yes, "Man" in English is "you", but sometimes it makes things a little confusing xD