Tourtag 1 Mettupalayam
9th Feb
Our GPS us showing us, that our average speed is 42km/h. That means that we need 12 hours to get to our destination, which is 480 km away. There is seven of us in Toyota Innova, some kind of VW Sharan from Japan, which means that there are minimal three of us on one bench. Somehow it works. We, the driver, Klaus, Jan, David and me, and also Santosch and Aschat, a really quiet boy from a dysfunctional family, whom Klaus wants to help to have look-outs in the future.
David was feeling quite well in the morning, but now after the typical Indian breakfast, when we always dream about fresh pastries with butter, Nutella and a hard-boiled egg as we travel longer, he is weaker and weaker. He has heavy coughing spasms. The driver Sanjey, at the same time the travel leader, always stops to show us some landmarks, or to drink tea in a street cafe. One stop is the snake temple, where the white ants are building an ant-hill for centuries. They are food for some kinds of snakes. That is the reason why there are many small holes all around the temple, so the snakes can go inside and out all the time. Right next to the temple is a tree with leaves, which exude healthy aromas, which are mostly good for newborns. That's why the new mothers run around the tree with their babies and cradle them in their scarf's, when they hang those on one of the tree sprays.
The roads are very adventurous from the field way until the highway, some farmers batter their rice harvest (they use for it almost the half of one lane) and they use the wind from the trucks, which drive around, to delaminate trash from the seeds. Sometimes there are also vehicles opposite to us (it seems like they are completely aware of it, so it isn't a phantom rider like here in Europe). It really becomes fun when it is dark. The drive really economically, that means without lights, sometimes you have to help yourself with distance lights, because the people here just believe in their feelings. They pray a lot.
When we arrive to our destination, we get settled in a middle class hotel, which seems really nice at first. Anyways, our rooms are freshly painted and they are right next to three cell phone towers.
Well, if there isn't a headache guaranteed.
Written By Mildus Gibkus

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