Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Frank in German TV-series

From Frank's facebook:
Hey, ich hatte am Montag meinen ersten Drehtag für "Hand auf`s Herz". Ich werde in der Serie (Mo. - Fr. 18 Uhr, Sat1) Bodo Wilhelmsen spielen. Sehen könnt ihr das ganze dann ca. ab April. Wann genau sag ich euch natürlich Bescheid :) Liebe Grüße!!!!!!
7 hours ago
Hi, I have on monday my first "filmingday" for "Hand auf's Herz". I will play Bobo Wilhelmsen in the series (Mo. - Fr. 18:oo, Sat1). You can see it around April.
I will of course tell you the exact time ;)

Lovely hugs!!!

Homepage for "Hand auf's Herz"
Wikipedia site for "Hand auf's Herz" - in English, here you can read about it!


JulieP. said...

Hi ! Do you know what this serie will be about ?

And still no news about Jan and Juri ? :(

Line said...

I have put some links on now ^^
No, no news from them :/

JulieP. said...

Héhé yeah I saw ^^ Hum.. Seems to be a typical "girl-series", I haven't understand all the story ^^'

Oh.. We haven't heard anything about Jan since Panik broke up =/