Ah, and by the way.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxE2g7Lixig
10 minutes ago
I'll light a great fire campfire tonight - I got so many unpaid bills I wanna get rid of ;-p
11 minutes ago
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Thursday, 28 April 2011
David facebook update 11th Apr
Me and Timo just listened trough our music history as Panik. It was such a pleasure to make music for all of you, and I am happy, that I was chosen to be a part of that. Thank you all so much for everyday you appreciate what we were and we are doing, and every second you will appreciate what I will do in the future.
11th Apr
Me and Timo just listened trough our music history as Panik. It was such a pleasure to make music for all of you, and I am happy, that I was chosen to be a part of that. Thank you all so much for everyday you appreciate what we were and we are doing, and every second you will appreciate what I will do in the future.
11th Apr
Happy Birthday Frank

Let's all wish him a happy Birthday! - 24 years old today!
I hope you will have a wonderful day, with a lot of happiness

Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Linke twitter update 21st-22nd Apr
@MarcMerrill dreamhack announcement music works for that im sure! :-O
22 Apr
MarcMerrill wrote: Working on employee reviews - *queues dramatic music* :)
I won't dance, merci beaucoup! God damn, I love listening to Frank Sinatra...
22 Apr
@ItsFunBeinTruax welcome!
21 Apr
@MarcMerrill dreamhack announcement music works for that im sure! :-O
22 Apr
MarcMerrill wrote: Working on employee reviews - *queues dramatic music* :)
I won't dance, merci beaucoup! God damn, I love listening to Frank Sinatra...
22 Apr
@ItsFunBeinTruax welcome!
21 Apr
David twitter update 23rd Apr
Happy Easter - if you want to relax shut down, don't watch battle L.A. - crappy movie :-) made well, but bad cast ;-) good night!
23 Apr
Happy Easter - if you want to relax shut down, don't watch battle L.A. - crappy movie :-) made well, but bad cast ;-) good night!
23 Apr
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Timo twitter update 16th-23rd Apr
Away from mac or pc - go out - the sun is shining!! Happy Easter! - Now! :)
1 hour ago
@OfficialDA sounds dirty!
2 hours ago
OfficialDA wrote: Komme zu „Destination Anywhere / Getoese in Moese“ Samstag, 18. Juni von 16:00 bis 01:00 . http://fb.me/vigbLH5P
Happy Easter! (Another drawing i wanted to share ;)) http://twitpic.com/4odghx
2 hours ago
Yeah!! A fan sent me this on facebook. Funny!! http://twitpic.com/4nc42i
20 Apr
David is cooking "Rotkohl mit Kartoffeln".
18 Apr
@Infernoing Yes, david made fun of me at my facebook. Nice pic.
17 Apr
infernoing wrote: @panikmusik 's profile picture on fb amuses me :DD
@flower_leni Ich will was größeres aufbauen! "The Truth" war der Anfang! Verbreite den Film so gut es geht und lies den Blog :) gute nacht
17 Apr
Flower_leni wrote: kann man dich dabei i-wie aktiv unterstützen?
One of the coolest bands eva: @OfficialDA - #thetruthport
16 Apr
Away from mac or pc - go out - the sun is shining!! Happy Easter! - Now! :)
1 hour ago
@OfficialDA sounds dirty!
2 hours ago
OfficialDA wrote: Komme zu „Destination Anywhere / Getoese in Moese“ Samstag, 18. Juni von 16:00 bis 01:00 . http://fb.me/vigbLH5P
Happy Easter! (Another drawing i wanted to share ;)) http://twitpic.com/4odghx
2 hours ago
Yeah!! A fan sent me this on facebook. Funny!! http://twitpic.com/4nc42i
20 Apr
David is cooking "Rotkohl mit Kartoffeln".
18 Apr
@Infernoing Yes, david made fun of me at my facebook. Nice pic.
17 Apr
infernoing wrote: @panikmusik 's profile picture on fb amuses me :DD
@flower_leni Ich will was größeres aufbauen! "The Truth" war der Anfang! Verbreite den Film so gut es geht und lies den Blog :) gute nacht
17 Apr
Flower_leni wrote: kann man dich dabei i-wie aktiv unterstützen?
One of the coolest bands eva: @OfficialDA - #thetruthport
16 Apr
Timo directing Destination Anywhere's next music video
Timo directed Destination Anywhere's last music video "How you feel", now he is also directing the next one.
Timo directed Destination Anywhere's last music video "How you feel", now he is also directing the next one.
Frank sings in Hand aufs Herz
From facebook:
"Ja ich singe, morgen kommt übrigens der Soundtrck in die Läden mit "Just the way you are" in meiner Interpretation ;)"
English: Yes I sing, tomorrow the soundstrack will come in the stores, with "Just the way you are" in my interpreation ;)
(Orginal song by Bruno Mars)
Frank plays Bobo Wilhelmsen in Hand aufs Herz, here is some description of how the charachter is. Sorry for not translating it!
Here is the trailer for Hand Aufs Herz if you feel like knowing more about this series ;) Frank is NOT in the trailer.
(The series looks a lot like a German version of Glee? Not that I have ever seen any episodes Glee or Hand aufs Herz, but of what I have seen, it looks very much the same)
From facebook:
"Ja ich singe, morgen kommt übrigens der Soundtrck in die Läden mit "Just the way you are" in meiner Interpretation ;)"
English: Yes I sing, tomorrow the soundstrack will come in the stores, with "Just the way you are" in my interpreation ;)
(Orginal song by Bruno Mars)
Frank plays Bobo Wilhelmsen in Hand aufs Herz, here is some description of how the charachter is. Sorry for not translating it!
Here is the trailer for Hand Aufs Herz if you feel like knowing more about this series ;) Frank is NOT in the trailer.
(The series looks a lot like a German version of Glee? Not that I have ever seen any episodes Glee or Hand aufs Herz, but of what I have seen, it looks very much the same)
Videoclips of Frank in Groupies bleiben nicht zum Frühstück
From 1:01 till the end Frank is at audition for the role as Chriz (the headcharacter).
Frank facebook update
Wünsch euch Allen Frohe Ostern!!!!!
21st Apr
English: Wish you all a happy Easter!!
Wünsch euch Allen Frohe Ostern!!!!!
21st Apr
English: Wish you all a happy Easter!!
Monday, 11 April 2011
Linke twitter update 10th-11th April
played a song Jeder by PANIK on @Myspace http://lnk.ms/LKsGB
14 hours ago
thinking about getting the riot logo tattooed on my arm...... hrmm....
10th Apr
played a song Jeder by PANIK on @Myspace http://lnk.ms/LKsGB
14 hours ago
thinking about getting the riot logo tattooed on my arm...... hrmm....
10th Apr
No news
Hey guys!
I'm going on holiday, from tomorrow until the 23rd April!
I'm not sure if I will get any time to get on the computer, and write news, or not :) - Well, nobody is probably reading it anyway..
Well, I'm back again the 23rd!
Remember to watch Frank in "Hand aufs Herz" at Sat.1, the 15th April!
Have some nice days! - Enjoy the weather!
Love from Line
Hey guys!
I'm going on holiday, from tomorrow until the 23rd April!
I'm not sure if I will get any time to get on the computer, and write news, or not :) - Well, nobody is probably reading it anyway..
Well, I'm back again the 23rd!
Remember to watch Frank in "Hand aufs Herz" at Sat.1, the 15th April!
Have some nice days! - Enjoy the weather!
Love from Line
This site
Buy Groupies bleiben nicht zum Frühstück
Haven't you watched Groupies bleiben nicht zum Frühstück? Or do you wonna watch it again?!
You can buy Groupies bleiben nicht zum Frühstück now at Amazon.de, if you wonna watch Frank ;D
Haven't you watched Groupies bleiben nicht zum Frühstück? Or do you wonna watch it again?!
You can buy Groupies bleiben nicht zum Frühstück now at Amazon.de, if you wonna watch Frank ;D
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Frank twitter update 7th Apr
Für alle die wie ich nicht genug bekommen können "Groupies bleiben nicht zum Frühstück" ab heute auf DVD!!!! Gruß, Frank :)
about 3 hours ago via web
English: For you who like me, can't get enough, "Groupies bleiben nicht zum Frühstück" will be released on DVD today!! Love, Frank
Hey!! Jetzt ist es amtlich!! Ich werde das erste mal am 15.4 als Bodo Wilhelmsen bei "Hand auf`s Herz" zu sehen sein!! Gruß, Frank.
about 22 hours ago via web
English: Hey! Now it's official! You will be able to watch me, for the first time at 15:4 as Bobo Wilhelmsen in "Hand auf's Herz" !! Love Frank
Für alle die wie ich nicht genug bekommen können "Groupies bleiben nicht zum Frühstück" ab heute auf DVD!!!! Gruß, Frank :)
about 3 hours ago via web
English: For you who like me, can't get enough, "Groupies bleiben nicht zum Frühstück" will be released on DVD today!! Love, Frank
Hey!! Jetzt ist es amtlich!! Ich werde das erste mal am 15.4 als Bodo Wilhelmsen bei "Hand auf`s Herz" zu sehen sein!! Gruß, Frank.
about 22 hours ago via web
English: Hey! Now it's official! You will be able to watch me, for the first time at 15:4 as Bobo Wilhelmsen in "Hand auf's Herz" !! Love Frank
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Linke twitter update 28th-31st Mar
Shitty picture quality, but still: Me and Chad Smith from Red Hot Chili Peppers - http://t.co/2b7xKj3 - last nite was awesome.
31 Mar
@Drachis thats all i can say to that: http://www.bash.org/?400459
28 Mar
Shitty picture quality, but still: Me and Chad Smith from Red Hot Chili Peppers - http://t.co/2b7xKj3 - last nite was awesome.
31 Mar
@Drachis thats all i can say to that: http://www.bash.org/?400459
28 Mar
Timo twitter update 4th Apr
@DrusiliaMathers Thank you! #thetruthport
4 Apr
drusiliaMathers wrote: "The Truth" is really a great movie! can't wait to see MORE! I'll spread the word! ;) as U know...U always can count on me xD
@ so schlecht mh? @JujusLilaLolli @giblahoj @laudenbonk
4 Apr
JujusLilaLolli wrote: Also dem @giblahoj sein Englisch ist genau so "gut" wie das von @panikmusik & @laudenbonk :)
@DrusiliaMathers Thank you! #thetruthport
4 Apr
drusiliaMathers wrote: "The Truth" is really a great movie! can't wait to see MORE! I'll spread the word! ;) as U know...U always can count on me xD
@ so schlecht mh? @JujusLilaLolli @giblahoj @laudenbonk
4 Apr
JujusLilaLolli wrote: Also dem @giblahoj sein Englisch ist genau so "gut" wie das von @panikmusik & @laudenbonk :)
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Timo twitter update 1st+2nd Apr
Hauptstadtherz (facebook.com/hauptstadtherz) made the official homepage for "The Truth". Shout outs and thumbs up :)
1 hour ago
1 Apr
Hauptstadtherz (facebook.com/hauptstadtherz) made the official homepage for "The Truth". Shout outs and thumbs up :)
1 hour ago
1 Apr
The Truth blog
Oh yeah, there is a blog as well!
Timo is writing posts there.
I don't think I will put on the posts, but you can read it at the blog itself.
Link: http://thetruthportblog.blogspot.com/
Oh yeah, there is a blog as well!
Timo is writing posts there.
I don't think I will put on the posts, but you can read it at the blog itself.
Link: http://thetruthportblog.blogspot.com/
Friday, 1 April 2011
David facebook update 31st Mar
Timo And David.. I appreciate the work of this two guys.. they are so brilliant, neat, and perfect.
Timo And David.. I appreciate the work of this two guys.. they are so brilliant, neat, and perfect.
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