Saturday, 23 April 2011

Frank sings in Hand aufs Herz

From facebook:
"Ja ich singe, morgen kommt übrigens der Soundtrck in die Läden mit "Just the way you are" in meiner Interpretation ;)"
English: Yes I sing, tomorrow the soundstrack will come in the stores, with "Just the way you are" in my interpreation ;)

(Orginal song by Bruno Mars)

Frank plays Bobo Wilhelmsen in Hand aufs Herz, here is some description of how the charachter is. Sorry for not translating it!

Here is the trailer for Hand Aufs Herz if you feel like knowing more about this series ;) Frank is NOT in the trailer.

(The series looks a lot like a German version of Glee? Not that I have ever seen any episodes Glee or Hand aufs Herz, but of what I have seen, it looks very much the same)

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