Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Article about Frank

The article is called "From Chart-storm to "Hand aufs Herz""
I'm so sorry, but I don't have the time to translate the article. Please help me if you have the time!
Anyway, you can read the article at

Mainly the article is about:
First they tell about Frank, and that he plays "Bodo Wilhelmsen" in "Hand aufs Herz" and they tell a bit about who Bodo is.
Then they tell that Frank has been playing in "Groupies bleiben nicht zum Frühstück", and that he was part of Panik. And that Panik was a very successful band, and they were in top 10. at the German Chart. They toured Europe and some other parts of the world. They were even nominated for an Echo. And then that they broke up. and he is now a actor and works on his solo-album.

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