Friday, 14 December 2012
Sunday, 11 November 2012
3 years ago
It has been 3 years since the guys told us they were breaking up - no more Panik.
Only three years.
What is there to hope for anymore? Nothing I think.
You can go to November 2009 on my blog, go a bit down, read the posts and the comments... if you want to feel sad, hm.
There is not really much more to do with this blog anymore. 3 years, and everything is pretty much gone. The most crazy thing is, that people still hold on to the thought and especially their love for Panik. Any of you left here?
Now there is more than 2000 posts on this blog :) - All those good and bad times. Have a nice day guys, don't feel sad - I hope I didn't bring the sad thoughts up again :)
Love from Line
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Linke update
Take a look at Linke's Twitter, if you want to see his latest tweets.
14th Oct:

hmm... too many instruments or room too small... not sure yet..
21st Oct:
Need suggestions for good halloween costumes for 3 dudes.
To give you an idea of what we looked like last year...
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
David on facebook:
Humm... There was a picture somewhere, with all the 6 PANIK Band members on it - how they changed their look during the years (and Timo always looked the same :-D) Can someone post this pic please? :-)
Saturday, 29 September 2012
Friday, 21 September 2012
Timo thanking for birthday wishes
Thank you for all your love and wishes, im stunned. I feel really greatful for all your support. Thanks for all, Timo.
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Monday, 10 September 2012
Monday, 6 August 2012
Sunday, 5 August 2012
Monday, 30 July 2012
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Frank on tour
27th July:

"Enough waiting! Time for change!
I feel like playing, and goes out and will give you something for the ears!!
The songs are not all finished yet but who gets disturbed by that...
Be there and come around to:
"Lasst uns los! Tour 2012″Genug gewartet!! Zeit für Veränderung!!
Ich hab Bock zu spielen, also geh ich raus und geb euch was auf die Ohren!!
Die Songs sind zwar noch nicht alle fertig aber wen stört das schon…
Seid dabei und kommt rum zur:
“Lasst uns los! Tour 2012
Ich freu mich auf euch, Frank.
27.09 im Ziegler in Heidelberg
04.10 im BlueShell in Köln05.10 im Souledge in Hamburg09.10 in den Backnanger Stuben in Backnang11.10 in Hirsch/Osteria Antica in Kempten
weitere Termine und Ticket Link folgen!!

"Enough waiting! Time for change!
I feel like playing, and goes out and will give you something for the ears!!
The songs are not all finished yet but who gets disturbed by that...
Be there and come around to:
I'm looking forward to see you, Frank
27.09 im Ziegler in Heidelberg
04.10 im BlueShell in Köln
05.10 im Souledge in Hamburg
09.10 in den Backnanger Stuben in Backnang
11.10 in Hirsch/Osteria Antica in Kempten
Further dates/datelines (time?) and link for tickets will come"
Buy tickets here
Watch trailers on Frank's facebookpage

Facebook - Athonite
Follow Athonite on facebook, and get all the news!
They joined Facebook the 13th July.
Facebook photos:

29th July: First time playing a grand piano - that :-D

23rd July: Pracroom Picture

What do you guys think about their logo?

20th July: Last Update, before starting the rehearsals
20th July
I like Wacken :-D
Preparing a Video Trailer for the Wacken Show - it'll be soooo cool :-)
New Photos - check.
They joined Facebook the 13th July.
Facebook photos:

29th July: First time playing a grand piano - that :-D

23rd July: Pracroom Picture

What do you guys think about their logo?

20th July: Last Update, before starting the rehearsals
20th July
I like Wacken :-D
Preparing a Video Trailer for the Wacken Show - it'll be soooo cool :-)
New Photos - check.
Saturday, 28 July 2012
More about Athonite
Hey guys, I'm back again ;)
So, finally the news about what David has been doing... So what do you guys think? Was it as you expected? A Totally new band, with Juri and David. And what do you think so far about what you have seen and heard?
Here is some more about the new band.
At Wacken's homepage, you can read more about David and Juri's new band.
Go take a look at the website:
Or read it here:
ATHONITE - Classical Music Reloaded
Great classical music with the vehemence of Metal!
Monumental, powerful, wild: Heavy Metal and classical music have never been much different in these aspects. Until now however, names like Bach, Mozart and Grieg only appealed to concertgoers of the quieter kind. This will change with ATHONITE, a project led by David Bonk which is bravely and radically reinterpreting classical music, turning the old master‘s works into Metal pieces, pairing electrial guitars with Bach and doublebass drums with Brahms.
It took more than two years for highly talented pianist David Bonk to rewrite and expand traditional compositions, turning them into high class headbanging material: Two guitars, bass and drums with piano and violine, alongside a huge orchestra and choir - this is the connection between the power of Heavy Metal and the greatness of classical music. Metal fans have heard this combination before, but very rarely did it sound this virtuos and energetic.
Bonk‘s first time sitting at a piano was at age three. After that he learned many other instruments, basically all he could get his hands on. Classically trained, but with both feet firmly planted in the rock world, he nowadays is producing national and international artists, including metal bands.
But rest assured: The high level of musicianship in ATHONITE does not supress the Rock‘n‘Roll spirit. Regardless of the complex riffage, not every note is written down and fixed for eternity. This will be clearly evident on stage, augmented by a huge pyro and laser show.
ATHONITE will celebrate their stage debut on Aug 3rd at this year‘s Wacken:Open:Air.
(Thank you to Anonymous in the comments on the last post)

Alvina Fenyuk (who we expect is part of the band?)
It doesn't say much about her, on her website, but have a look:
Or take a look at her facebook. Anyway, you can find a lot of photos of her.
Friday, 27 July 2012
David's new band!!
Earlier today, David broke the news of having a new band.
Twitter/Facebook: "My New Band. "
On the website, all you can see is a picture of David, the information for Wacken AND a youtube video:
The members of the band that were confirmed in the youtube tags are David, Juri and Alvina Fenyuk. So what do you guys think?
Monday, 23 July 2012
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Some big, massive news.
Hi guys! It's Jess here, if you all remember me. I use to help Line when she's not able to update, which is where we've come to now.
I'm a bit confused myself, seeing as I just came home from my own vacation, but it seems like there's some kind of big, fat reunion (or something like that).
As you may have read earlier, David wrote on his facebook that he was going to perform on Wacken Open Air, and now he's preparing and rehearsing for the gig. Yesterday (July 21st) posted this on his twitter:
"I ll perform at Wacken, together with Juri. We ll post a trailer soon, made by Timo. Uh, I really love working with talented people :-)"
This confirms that Juri will be performing with David and Timo will take part of it all by cutting a trailer and etc.
But as early as this Wednesday (July 18th) he posted this picture on facebook:
"Preparing for the Wacken Gig - building a new own grandpiano for me, checking in our rehearsal hall the sound of the new 3 coreblade amps and the drumset. The show is gonna be so cool! :-D"
You can see Juri in two of the pictures and you can also see Timo in the right picture.
The day after (July 19th) he posted another photo on his facebook:

"Again rehearsals today. And hey, guests are showing up :-D Or... maybe they are not only guests? Who knows..?! :-)"
Here it's not only Juri on the picture, but also Jan, Frank and their old management (to the left)
So, everyone except Linke are there now, guests or not. Nothing more have been said about it (as far as I know, you're more than welcome to tell me if you've read more from the guys) and as always, my hope of a reunion just grew a great amount.
What do you guys think, are the old management and his old bandmates only guests or is there something in the making? Feel free to comment!
Saturday, 30 June 2012
Thoughts about Panik
I will just share with you, what I was thinking...
Can you guys believe it?... It was in 2009 Panik broke up - 2009!! It's 2012 now. Can't believe myself how long time it is ago! This November/December it's 3 yeas.
But they said it was no break-up. David and Timo would continue with Panik.. Hm... Don't know what to wish for anymore. I don't believe much will be able to happen.
And now we are here. Each of the boys doing their job. And me still keeping this stupid blog. And just like Panik, this blog is pretty much dead...
Are you guys still interested?.. How are you doing? How are your feelings about Panik?
What do you guys feel about "Die Flut"? - I have to say.. I don't feel there is much Panik about it. You think David and Timo will be able to get anywhere?
I wish you all a happy and nice summer!
This site
Friday, 22 June 2012
Timo twitter update June
22nd June
Lise wrote: wow, ich hab gestern zufaellig wieder zu euerer Musik zurueck gefunden. letztes mal gehoert vor 6 Jahren. Macht ihr noch was?
Germany - Greece: 3:0 ..., hein?:D
19th June
@laudenbonk chocolate des Wahnsinns!
16th June
15th June
We are small: - and she is awesome:
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Monday, 11 June 2012
Saturday, 9 June 2012
Timo twitter update May+ June
5th Jun
#MyNameWasSupposedToBe Michelle, if I were a girl.
3rd Jun
@JoysxBros I hate Alien 2. I didn't watch Alien 3.
JoysxBros wrote: I'm definitely going to see it soon then, thanks ! Have you already seen Prometheus ? I've heard it's better than Alien 2 and 3.
@JoysxBros No. But thousand times better than MIB2.
JoysxBros wrote: is it better than MIB1 ?
Saw with @laudenbonk MIB3. Will is the best. So funny.
30th May
2012 is a great year to go to the movies. What movie are you most looking forward to seeing?
@Alychiousse @JGabriel_fan Français.
@Alychiousse @JGabriel_fan Okay, great can you do this every evening? It'll improve my france!
Alychiousse wrote: je t'aime ( i love you), rêver (dream), penser (think), manger (eat), lire un livre (reading a book)
26th May
"@JGabriel_fan: Hi, do you know some french words? :)" #ouiceça
#is bad <-- Finally I learned how to use hashtags.
#butdontunderstandwhyishoulduseitifyoucanreadthisyoudontneedglasses I slept thru the whole day. #throwingawaymylifetime "
@MeganxKeith: It's my birthday today! Answer me please.. ♥" If I answer to everyone who askes, it'd nothin special anymo. But F**k it: HB!
24th May
DA will play at "Rock am Ring"! Yes ya! #goodtimes - @OfficialDA
23rd May
"@BYEconnorsgirl: @pm ayrıca benim doğum günümü kutlama zaten. Sadece fok balıklarını sev. Bi' de Berlin'de başka ev mi yoktu." Eeh, yes?
22nd may
"@StacyEcho: @panikmusik make my dream come true, wish me happy birthday :)" Never give up, and Happy Birthday!
"@HarukaRay: @panikmusik Do you watch any other sport competitions? Biathlon for example?" Quidditch! ;)
"@ASH_LAND: @panikmusik Wait, are you a Bayern or Hamburg fan?" Im not a big soccer-fan at all. But finals are fun.
21st May
@kseney_winter ..das ist aber eine gute Arbeit dann.
@kseney_winter wrote: Ein gute Morgen auf der Arbeit mit den Liedern von @panikmusik ^___________^
20th May
But yes, the "Bayern" played wayyy better. Out of league, literally.
19th may
Everytime the moderater says: "Boring". Im like: "What? He didn't say.. Ah, the name".
The irritating thing about our soccer team "Bayern" are the players last-names: Groß ("Great") and Lahm ("Boring").
18th May
I'm Batman, who is this other "Bruce Wayne"-guy?
I'm Batman, of course. (me, when I was 6 or smth) @PanikMadnesS
@Panik_Sheeran Hellou tou Mexicou! Thank you!
Panik Sheeran wrote: Can you answer my tweet please ? Timo im from Mexico and im your biggest Fan I love you ! you are amazing ! :)
17th May
A plan to save the planet: link
#MyNameWasSupposedToBe Michelle, if I were a girl.
3rd Jun
@JoysxBros I hate Alien 2. I didn't watch Alien 3.
JoysxBros wrote: I'm definitely going to see it soon then, thanks ! Have you already seen Prometheus ? I've heard it's better than Alien 2 and 3.
@JoysxBros No. But thousand times better than MIB2.
JoysxBros wrote: is it better than MIB1 ?
Saw with @laudenbonk MIB3. Will is the best. So funny.
30th May
2012 is a great year to go to the movies. What movie are you most looking forward to seeing?
@Alychiousse @JGabriel_fan Français.
@Alychiousse @JGabriel_fan Okay, great can you do this every evening? It'll improve my france!
Alychiousse wrote: je t'aime ( i love you), rêver (dream), penser (think), manger (eat), lire un livre (reading a book)
26th May
"@JGabriel_fan: Hi, do you know some french words? :)" #ouiceça
#is bad <-- Finally I learned how to use hashtags.
#butdontunderstandwhyishoulduseitifyoucanreadthisyoudontneedglasses I slept thru the whole day. #throwingawaymylifetime "
@MeganxKeith: It's my birthday today! Answer me please.. ♥" If I answer to everyone who askes, it'd nothin special anymo. But F**k it: HB!
24th May
DA will play at "Rock am Ring"! Yes ya! #goodtimes - @OfficialDA
23rd May
"@BYEconnorsgirl: @pm ayrıca benim doğum günümü kutlama zaten. Sadece fok balıklarını sev. Bi' de Berlin'de başka ev mi yoktu." Eeh, yes?
22nd may
"@StacyEcho: @panikmusik make my dream come true, wish me happy birthday :)" Never give up, and Happy Birthday!
"@HarukaRay: @panikmusik Do you watch any other sport competitions? Biathlon for example?" Quidditch! ;)
"@ASH_LAND: @panikmusik Wait, are you a Bayern or Hamburg fan?" Im not a big soccer-fan at all. But finals are fun.
21st May
@kseney_winter ..das ist aber eine gute Arbeit dann.
@kseney_winter wrote: Ein gute Morgen auf der Arbeit mit den Liedern von @panikmusik ^___________^
20th May
But yes, the "Bayern" played wayyy better. Out of league, literally.
19th may
Everytime the moderater says: "Boring". Im like: "What? He didn't say.. Ah, the name".
The irritating thing about our soccer team "Bayern" are the players last-names: Groß ("Great") and Lahm ("Boring").
18th May
I'm Batman, who is this other "Bruce Wayne"-guy?
I'm Batman, of course. (me, when I was 6 or smth) @PanikMadnesS
@Panik_Sheeran Hellou tou Mexicou! Thank you!
Panik Sheeran wrote: Can you answer my tweet please ? Timo im from Mexico and im your biggest Fan I love you ! you are amazing ! :)
17th May
A plan to save the planet: link
David twitter update
9th Jun
...and still cutting...
@tchibi strings? Ah.. Guitar strings?
Marie Castro wrote: And now i need to buy some strings.
7th Jun :-D
First day in the rehearsal room since ages. And it was amazing. Good night.
1st Jun
Just realized, that max martin is a human being. Like you and me. ...crazy...
30th May
Who will join the Wacken Festival 2012? :-)
29th May
Cardriving is no fun anxmore... There are too many cars on the road.. Damn! :-)
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Timo twitter update 17th May
Im now on viddy: A man must do..
Haha, so true.
David twitter updates
14th May
@tchibi ...are you? ..:-p ....hihihi..
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Twitter+facebook update timo
13th May
This is fun.
says the band with the pink love-sticker. Just saying.
Destination Anywhere wrote: Barbecuing vegan-wiener is the least manly thing I can imagine right now!
Your mama!
12th May
Off to a lake. To make fire and other manly things. Like barbecuing vegan-wiener.
11th May
10th May
yes sometimes.
JuliaBegunovich wrote: d another question, you communicate with your fans? :) I beg you, tell me, pleease.. :)
Passphotos r funny.!/panikmusik/status/200350255944962049/photo/1
9th May
Good Night, world, its 4 in the morning & im freakin tired.
5th May
Yeah,@laudenbonk smashed the guitar real hard.
Porzellandoll wrote: Do you remember this day,!/AfrikaVendetta/status/186087508264747008/photo/1
Ich bin verliebt in DICH!
English: I am in love with YOU!
Leighton___ wrote: ich hör grad vorbei haha man wie ich das damals immer gehört hab :) und ich war verliebt in dich haha ♥
English: I'm listing to Vorbei haha, man as I always at that time listened to it :) and I was in love with you haha
@zachbraff wow, this video is so funny. "Guy love"- live.
1st May
How epic is this:
30th April
There are three forms of "beautiful" in german: wunderhübsch, wunderschön, Nevada Tan.
K_lovesTW wrote: dont mean to bother you but can you please tell me if wunderhubsch and wunderschon mean beautiful
R.I.P. Joel Goldsmith. You touched me to tears with this one. Thank you for all the inspirational work youve done.
25th April
Wow, she's sweet.
17th April
Haha, this is a picturetest i once did. Isn't it funny?
15th April
I watched the oscar winning german movie: "Das Leben der Anderen" and 90% of all outside-scenes WERE SHOT DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF MY LIVINGROOM-WINDOW ..of my first flat I had in Berlin. Funny. :) - Btw. Great movie.
8th April
Happy Easter, everybody!
6th April
Family time!!
5th April
Oh man. I like@ZooeyDeschanel 's #newgirl. It's like the only "new, realistic" comedy.
2nd April
Crazy World. Verrückte Welt.
31st March
The deathstar just exploded above Hamburg!/panikmusik/status/185895087333572609/photo/1
Today is#earthhour2012. Im in, who else?
This is fun.
says the band with the pink love-sticker. Just saying.
Destination Anywhere wrote: Barbecuing vegan-wiener is the least manly thing I can imagine right now!
Your mama!
12th May
Off to a lake. To make fire and other manly things. Like barbecuing vegan-wiener.
11th May
10th May
yes sometimes.
JuliaBegunovich wrote: d another question, you communicate with your fans? :) I beg you, tell me, pleease.. :)
Passphotos r funny.!/panikmusik/status/200350255944962049/photo/1
9th May
Good Night, world, its 4 in the morning & im freakin tired.
5th May
Porzellandoll wrote: Do you remember this day,!/AfrikaVendetta/status/186087508264747008/photo/1
Ich bin verliebt in DICH!
English: I am in love with YOU!
Leighton___ wrote: ich hör grad vorbei haha man wie ich das damals immer gehört hab :) und ich war verliebt in dich haha ♥
English: I'm listing to Vorbei haha, man as I always at that time listened to it :) and I was in love with you haha
@zachbraff wow, this video is so funny. "Guy love"- live.
1st May
How epic is this:
30th April
There are three forms of "beautiful" in german: wunderhübsch, wunderschön, Nevada Tan.
K_lovesTW wrote: dont mean to bother you but can you please tell me if wunderhubsch and wunderschon mean beautiful
R.I.P. Joel Goldsmith. You touched me to tears with this one. Thank you for all the inspirational work youve done.
25th April
Wow, she's sweet.
17th April
Haha, this is a picturetest i once did. Isn't it funny?
15th April
I watched the oscar winning german movie: "Das Leben der Anderen" and 90% of all outside-scenes WERE SHOT DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF MY LIVINGROOM-WINDOW ..of my first flat I had in Berlin. Funny. :) - Btw. Great movie.
8th April
Happy Easter, everybody!
6th April
Family time!!
5th April
Oh man. I like
2nd April
Crazy World. Verrückte Welt.
31st March
The deathstar just exploded above Hamburg!/panikmusik/status/185895087333572609/photo/1
Today is
Monday, 7 May 2012
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Saturday, 28 April 2012
Friday, 20 April 2012
Friday, 30 March 2012
Timo twtter update march part 2
"Revolution" is now 5 years old. Wow.
@ActuallyNPH 2000835 :) :)
Neil Patrick Harris wrote: In honor of @DerrenBrown: I'm thinking of a # between 1 and 3,000,000. Closest guess wins. I'll stop taking guesses in 3 hours. Good luck.
TED is awesome. Im greateful, cause it's pure inspiration listen to these extraordinary stories. #tedtalks
Just remembered how much fun i had at this videoshoot: - @OfficialDA #goodmemories
...ins Bett und ihr? - ?
"Revolution" is now 5 years old. Wow.
@ActuallyNPH 2000835 :) :)
Neil Patrick Harris wrote: In honor of @DerrenBrown: I'm thinking of a # between 1 and 3,000,000. Closest guess wins. I'll stop taking guesses in 3 hours. Good luck.
TED is awesome. Im greateful, cause it's pure inspiration listen to these extraordinary stories. #tedtalks
Just remembered how much fun i had at this videoshoot: - @OfficialDA #goodmemories
...ins Bett und ihr? - ?
English: In bed and you?
@laudenbonk voll gut!
David wrote: wie wahr..
@laylashu no, but i read most of the mentions.
layla okazaki wrote: Timo! !Do you read all your mentions ??
Nice!! RT: @KatrinWolf Timo,schauen!) Dieses Shirt wird von Hand gefertigt. In Erinnerung an Ihre Gruppe!)
@paradieskind___ Ich leb eigentlich schon fast vegan. Die Milchkühe werden genauso misshandelt.
Paradieskind wrote: Wenn ihr nicht Vegetarier sein würdet, dann spätestens jetzt.
@TMillsCanada @laudenbonk I love Canada! Lots of Goa'ulds and Jaffa's over there!
TMillsCanada wrote: I wonder if @laudenbonk & @PanikMusik know they have some fans in CANADA (= !
Good Night.
My thoughts are with the victims in Toulouse.
@laudenbonk voll gut!
David wrote: wie wahr..
@laylashu no, but i read most of the mentions.
layla okazaki wrote: Timo! !Do you read all your mentions ??
Nice!! RT: @KatrinWolf Timo,schauen!) Dieses Shirt wird von Hand gefertigt. In Erinnerung an Ihre Gruppe!)
@paradieskind___ Ich leb eigentlich schon fast vegan. Die Milchkühe werden genauso misshandelt.
Paradieskind wrote: Wenn ihr nicht Vegetarier sein würdet, dann spätestens jetzt.
@TMillsCanada @laudenbonk I love Canada! Lots of Goa'ulds and Jaffa's over there!
TMillsCanada wrote: I wonder if @laudenbonk & @PanikMusik know they have some fans in CANADA (= !
Good Night.
My thoughts are with the victims in Toulouse.
Monday, 26 March 2012
Linke twitter updates March
I uploaded a @YouTube video LINKE at EMI Studios March 19th 2012
@JossStone and the twitter world responds.
Joss Stone wrote: Hello?
@deine_natalie wow. it's getting there, huh. :) great values
Natalie wrote: another pic of @chrislinke hope no new sweet pics soon. Too tired :-D!/deine_natalie/status/
@Sabine34292304 cos i don't want to. :)
Sabine wrote: why dont you live in Germany?

Friday, 23 March 2012
Frank At Musikmesse
At the Musikmesse, Frank interviews Phil Schardt.
Tomorrow Frank will presents the Finale von School Jam:
Grandiose Bands!! Grandiose Musik!! Gruß, Frank
Frank talking about Juri
English: yesterday I met Juri at Musikmesse and had brutishly fun.
In comments:
Ihm gehts gut, standen lustigerweise vor dem GIBSON Bus mit dem wir mal auf Tour waren :)
English: He is doing fine, funny enough he responsible(?) for the GIBSON bus we were on tour with :)
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Timo twitter update 21st Mar
I hope there will be no Dementors. :(
...and now the lights just went out.
There is fire under a bridge directly in front of the "Main-Train-Station" in Hamburg. I'm in the train next to it.
Vote for the sexiest ska-punk ever:
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
David facebook update 20th Mar
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