Friday 25 November 2011

Remember to "answer"

Should Timo and David arrange a Fan Meeting?

"The Truth" in TV


free Tv Premiere "The Truth": Diesen Sonntag, Tele 5 (19:00 Uhr): Nicht verpassen!!
23 Nov

Wednesday 16 November 2011

David facebook update 16th Nov

Bought a new camera - who needs new Photos? :-D

4 hours ago

Sunday 13 November 2011

David facebook update October-November

if anyone wants to see me playing drums - here you go (and please "like")

Friday at 17:30

Is there anywhere a movie out there, which needs movie score? :-) I'd like to write a new soundtrack..
Schreibt jemand grad einen neuen Film, und braucht noch Musik? Melden :-) Ich würd' gern einen neuen Soundtrack schreiben :-)

Thursday at 17:20

All I ever wanted to do, since I am consciously playing piano, is touch people with my music. All I will ever do until my body dies, is believing in me - and touch people with my music.
25th October at 22:29

Played a little piano today..
20 October at 22:19

Timo twitter update november

Worldometers - real time world statistics
3 minutes ago

7 hours ago
Satansaydance wrote: Where i can see "the truth"?

Is anyone out there who loves the christmastime as much as i do? cant wait for snow..!
7 hours ago

Its so freakin cold outside, ill die. On the weekend ill go to another awardshow. 'The Truth' is nominated again! :) :)
8 Nov

Ich habe 2 Fotos im Album „2009-2011“ auf Facebook gepostet
4 Nov

Its done..
4 Nov

Friday 4 November 2011

Timo: Its done..
Hi everyone,

My facebook-profile is a facebook-page now.
I needed to do this, because i just can have 5000 friends here. So this was my only choice.

Hello again and welcome to my page.
Ive linked it to my twitter account, so everyone everywhere, who wants to can read my updates.
Im very glad to have you all here. Ive moved from Berlin to Lüneburg, because there is a nice musicstudio and im able to see David more often. My life is still crazy.. with its up and downs.
Right now im in the studio, waiting for David. Ill take care of this site and i hope to see ya soon.
