Sunday 28 February 2010

David twitter update 28th Feb

I got iiiiiit!!!
3 minutes ago via web

Timo twitter update 28th Feb

pizza + 8mile? mhh :)
7 minutes ago via web

Saturday 27 February 2010

David twitter update 27th Feb

tip - use the key you find behind the suitcase with the left bottom corner of the davinci pic.
7 minutes ago from web took me fucking long! try it, its great!!
27 minutes ago via web

Friday 26 February 2010

David twitter update 26th Feb

33 minutes ago via web

Timo twitter update 26th Feb

(L.A.) Crash is such a brilliant, good and awesome movie.. wow, one of my top 5 movies ever.. wow.. im so touched.. good night everybody
about 7 hours ago via web

Thursday 25 February 2010

Timo twitter update Feb 25th no.3

@create_myself .. hehe.. yes :) the dumb german :)
2 minutes ago via web in reply to create_myself

Create_myself wrote: Timo! you'll kill me one day! after 'did' or 'does' is ALWAYS a verb in a first form! please, remember it! ;)

Timo twitter update 25th Feb no.2

Im tired :( Didnt slept so much.. But the weather is good and i bought one of the best movies ever: L.A Crash! :)
3 minutes ago via txt

Timo twitter update 25th Feb

good morning.. the sky is blue.. me not.. thats cool :)
2 minutes ago via web

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Timo twitter update 24th Feb

Hehe, okay, this was the last wise tweet for today :)
4 minutes ago via txt

But trust me, some people are too crazy! This is one thing ive learned in the few past years! Some people arent good for you! So, open y ...
5 minutes ago via txt

The main meaning of life is: Find crazy people like you and be happy! Sometimes its not that easy, but mhh sometimes it is :)
17 minutes ago via txt

Some people are crazy! The world is full of crazy people, everywhere around you! Thats life! :)
20 minutes ago via txt


Timo twitter update 24th Feb

@mily_st95 dont know.. im timo :) and i am an artist from universal.. erik is a guy from universal..
about 2 hours ago via web in reply to mily_st95

Mily asked (and a lot others of us - in a long long time) : no, i won't stop that! who is erik and why is that email there and what's all these with the bio?!

Tuesday 23 February 2010

New bio at Twitter

At Panik's.. or Timo's twitter there have come a new (and very strange) bio:

" Panik is an arist of the Unviersal Music Group Germany. For more informations contact me at "

I'm pretty sure this one is new, I haven't seen it before.. Please tell me if you have :)

Timo twitter update 23th Feb

@akaulitz_ why? its not over :) today i was at cinema and watched "the lovely bones"..
less than 20 seconds ago via web in reply to akaulitz_
Akaulitz wrote: after panik will be officially over..... with this twitter be deleted? Ö

one of the best pages on internet: :) love this site..
29 minutes ago via web

Destination Anywhere playing Bevor du gehst!

Destination Anywhere at Dresden, 20.02.2010, are playing Bevor du gehst :D (cover)

It starts at 2:52!

About Das wars jetzt - Davids desktop

Hi guys, well, some have wondered about "Das wars jetzt" - The song David told in the interview with, from december, was one of his favourtie songs from Panik.
But we don't know about that song? Is it a new one? Or one of their old? And we have not heard it.
What I just found, was an old photo of David desktop I put on the blog in November.
On his desktop is two files called "Das wars jetzt" ... So, I thought you maybe would think it was fun to see :)

(click at the photo)

Monday 22 February 2010

Timo twitter update 22th Feb

@PlasticMary - wow :) looks great..
6 minutes ago from TwitPic

Timo twitter update 21/22th Feb

good night.. i had a wonderful day with friends, just chilling in a cafe and at home :) (i hate the german syncro of SGU) - goodn8
about 10 hours ago from web

Saturday 20 February 2010

Translation of David questions December/January

English translation, by Jess Thank you so much Jess!!


-Would you like to learn French?
Yes, I would.

-Do you like traveling? Where have you been and where would you like to travel?
That depends on my mood. Sometimes I love it, sometimes, nooo :-)

-Where was the point when you said it couldn’t go on like this, the band separated?
I haven’t said that and I’ve never meaned it. The question is asked wrong.

-Do you chat a lot and if yes, do you tell who you are?
I don’t chat in principle.

-How did you like the tour?
Quite cool!

-What went through your mind on the Hamburg-concert when so many sang the lyrics to ”Grau”?
Haha.. very soon will a video be released, then you know :-)

-Where you on a Christmas fair in December? If yes, on which and what did you think about it?
Kiel – and it was nice as always.

-Which song from Panik is your favorite?
”Morgencafé” and ”Das Wars Jetzt”

-What’s your favorite book?
Communion with God

-What do you always have with you?
My chain, my diary and mostly my Laptop + bag with the book ”Communion with God”

-What do you do when you’re having a conflict with someone?
I sort it out.

-Do they still have it the same way when you buy your first album? Or do you only support the old management and record label?
You do of course support us, and naturally the record label.

- Why is it written in your booklet for your new album, that it’s published by your old producent ”Höfler-Titenkov”?
The album wasn’t published by them – but to seperate between them, more under the ”EDITION”. That’s a publishing house history which is to be explained very complicated. If you like it, you can deal with it and read about what is an edition with respect to a music publisher. I would also tell it, but that simply takes – if I may – too long :-)

- How do you think about the future for Panik? Will you remain a 2-person band or do you have other plans in outlook?

The first time will we remain a 2-person band. Timo and I will still need a little time to ourselves to compose and write new songs, and after we’ve made it, it’s time. And then we’ll think about it, how it will go further with Panik.

- Have you ever smoked?

-What do you think about our education system?
Not good, but I don’t like to complain, because I wasn’t sufficiently informed to improve it.

-What do you associate the 11th September 2001 with? Terrorist attack or explosion targented?
Terror blast – I have by this not clearly established my opinion.

- Is there an address for Fanmail and Fanpost?
You can almost always turn to Melinda (Mel) or Lena, which normally does everythingto me, so sweet as they are :-)

-Do you believe in God?

- Do you believe in the fact that extraterestial ones experted and/or exerted an influence on our life?
Funny idéa.. mh.. perhaps it’s so.. :-) perhaps it’s not :-)

-What do you think off the Swine flue? Can you inoculate yourself?

- Would you have liked to use Wind instruments on your album?
I have :-) San Diego :-D

- Why are you disappointed with the new Harry Potter movie?
Too much Hollywood, too kitsch, in my opinion, and too much that wasn’t written in the book (for example, the ruined house off the Weasley’s (do you write it like that? :-) ) )

- How old is your cat?
Honestly, I don’t really know.. I guess 16... yeah, I think 16.

- Do you have the T-shirt action for the Farwell tour?
Clearly, I have one with me at home... I think, it’s a T-shirt with many signs from fans, but that’s the point, or?

- Was it hard for you to sing ”Bevor Du Gehst” live?
No, I like the song very much :-) I liked to hear the audience sing with it.

- Do you read the tweets by your fans to you?

Mostly, yes.

- What’s your favorite movie from your childhood?
Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

-Do you read BRAVO?

-What’s the feeling on a live performance when you’re standing infront off your fans when you realise that you’re speaking from the soul or inspired?
A... good :-p

-With how many error points have you passed the theory test?

-Will Timo and you as only two play concerts?
We’ll see :-)

-Do you have a car in mind that you want to buy?¨

Yes, the one I drive now. Mercedes, 190. Very old, but it’s at least a car! With mechanics! :-)

- What do you read now?”Die Entstehung Der Realität” by Jörg Starkmuth.

-Are you thinking a lot of when someone writes that you’re shit? Or do you just ignore it?
I don’t think about it, but when there’s a justification of this opinion, I precisely this through.

-Will you come to the next years Musikmesse?
Juri and I will in any case, be there (2010), yes.

-Who wrote the song ”Es ist Zeit” and when?
Most off the text was written by Timo and the music by me.

-What would you like to have more time for?
For me.

-Do you now own an iPhone? Do you like it?

I have one since 1 month, and I find it funny – but you lose it quickly if you don’t have self-discipline. A small device for deflecting :-)

-Do you think it’s hard to pick a gift for someone? Do you often make gifts?
No, not usually, except for dad. :-p

-Do you act spontaneously or planned?
Spontaneously, in fact, almost always.


- Are you still so close friend with Timo, that he's like a brother for you?

-Is it true, that you're searching new bandmembers?

- Do you love animals?

- When can you reach a new work by you? Definitly in the next month. At first we'll come out with the video from Hamburg.


David interview from - December + January



- Würdest du gerne Französisch lernen?
Ja, würde ich.

- Magst du es zu reisen? Wo möchtest du noch hin und wo warst du bereits?
Das kommt auf meine Stimmung an. Manchmal liebe ich es, manchmal, neeee :-)

- Wo war der Punkt, als ihr gesagt habt, es geht nicht mehr, die Band trennt sich?
Ich hab das nie gesagt, und ich habe es auch nie gemeint. Die Frage ist an den falschen gestellt.

- Chattest du viel und wenn ja, gibst du dann bekannt, wer du bist?

Ich chatte grundsätzlich nicht.

- Wie fandet ihr die Tour?
Ziemlich geil!

- Was ging dir durch den Kopf, als beim Hamburg-Konzert viele bei "Grau" textsicher mitgesungen haben?
Haha.. sehr euch das bald erscheinende Video an, dann wisst ihr das :-)

- Warst du im Dezember auf einem Weihnachsmarkt? Wenn ja, auf welchem und wie hat es dir gefallen?
Kiel - und es ist immer wieder schön.

- Welches ist dein Lieblingslied von Panik?
"Morgencafé" und "Das Wars Jetzt"

- Welches ist dein Lieblingsbuch?
Gespräche mit Gott

- Was hast du immer dabei?
Meine Kette, mein Tagebuch und meistens meinen Laptop + Tasche mit dem Buch "Gespräche mit Gott"

- Was machst du, wenn du mit jemandem Streit hast?

Es ausdiskutieren.

- Habt ihr noch was davon, wenn man euer erstes Album kauft? Oder unterstützt man nur das alte Management und die Plattenfirma?
Ihr unterstützt uns natürlich, aber selbstverständlich auch die Plattenfirma.

- Warum steht im Booklet eures neuen Albums, dass das Album von euren alten Produzenten "Höfler-Titenkov" veröffentlicht wurde?

Das Album wurde nicht "von" ihnen veröffentlicht - sondern "unter" ihnen, genauer gesagt unter ihrer "EDITION". Das ist eine Verlagsgeschichte, die sehr kompliziert zu erklären ist. Wenn ihr wollt, könnt ihr euch gern damit beschäftigen, und nachlesen, was eine Edition ist, bezüglich eines Musikverlages. Ich würde es auch erzählen, aber das dauert einfach - mit Verlaub - zu lang :-)

- Wie denkst du über die Zukunft von Panik? Wird es vorerst eine 2er-Band bleiben, oder habt ihr schon Ersatz im Ausblick?

Erst mal bleibt es eine 2er Band. Timo und ich werden noch ein wenig Zeit brauchen, um uns wieder musikalisch zusammenzusetzen und wieder neue Lieder zu schreiben, nach dem wir Es Ist Zeit gemacht haben. Und dann werden wir uns darüber Gedanken machen, wie es bezüglich Panik nun weiter geht.

- Hast du schonmal geraucht?

- Wie findest du unser Bildungssystem?
Nicht gut, aber ich mag nicht viel meckern, denn ich habe mich nicht genügend informiert um es zu verbessern.

- Was verbindest du mit den 11. September 2001? Terroranschlag oder gezielte Sprengung?
Terrorsprengung - ich habe mir hierzu meine Meinung noch nicht klar gebildet.

- Gibt es eine Adresse für Fanmail und Fanpost?
Ihr könnt euch eigentlich immer an Melinda (Mel) oder Lena wenden, die leiten normalerweise alles an mich weiter, so lieb, wie sie sind :-)

- Glaubst du an Gott?


- Glaubst du daran, dass Außerirdische auf unser Leben einen Einfluss ausübten bzw. ausüben?

Lustige Idee... mh.. Vielleicht ist das so.. :-) Vielleicht auch nicht :-)

- Was hältst du von der Schweinegrippe? Lässt du dich impfen?

- Hättest du auf einem der Alben auch gerne etwas mit z.B. Blasinstrumenten gemacht?
Hab ich :-) San Diego :-D

- Wieso bist du vom neuen Harry Potter Film enttäuscht?
Zu viel Hollywood, zu viel kitsch, meines Erachtens, und zu viel, das nicht im Buch erwähnt wird (zum Beispiel das zerstörte Haus der Weasley's (schreibt man die so? :-) ) )

- Wie alt ist deine Katze?

Weiß ich ehrlich gesagt nicht.. ich tippe 16... ja, ich glaube 16.

- Hast du die T-Shirt Aktion auf der Abschiedstour mitgekriegt?
Klar, eines davon habe ich bei mir zu Hause... glaube ich, also, es ist ein Tshirt mit gaaaanz vielen Unterschriften von Fans, das ist doch das hier gemeinte, oder?

- War es schwer für dich "Bevor Du Gehst" live zu singen?

Nein, ich mag das Stück sehr :-) Mir hat es sehr gut gefallen das Publikum dazu singen zu hören.

- Liest du die Tweets von Fans an dich?
Größtenteils, ja.

- Welcher ist dein Lieblingsfilm aus deiner Kindheit?
Ferris macht Blau.

- Liest du die BRAVO?


- Was ist das für ein Gefühl bei Auftritten live vor euren Fans zu stehen, vor allem wenn ihr merkt, dass ihr ihnen aus der Seele sprecht oder sie inspiriert?
Ein... Gutes :-p

- Mit wievielen Fehlerpunkten hast du deine theoretische Prüfung bestanden?

- Werden Timo und du auch zu zweit noch Konzerte geben?
Mal schauen :-)

- Hast du schon ein Auto im Blick, das du dir anschaffen willst?
Ja, das, das ich jetzt fahre. Mercedes, 190. Uralt, aber das ist wenigstens noch ein AUTO! Mit Mechaaaanik! :-)

- Was liest du zur Zeit?
"Die Entstehung Der Realität" von Jörg Starkmuth.

- Denkst du viel darüber nach, wenn jemand schreibt, dass ihr scheiße seid? Oder ignorierst du es einfach?
Ich denke nicht darüber nach, lese mir aber, wenn es eine Begründung dieser Meinung gibt, eben diese durch.

- Kommt ihr nächstes Jahr auf die Musikmesse?
Ich und Juri sind auf jeden Fall da (2010), ja.

- Wer hat den Song "Es ist Zeit" geschrieben und wann?Wie eigentlich meistens ist der Text von Timo, und die Musik von mir.

- Wofür würdest du gerne mehr Zeit haben?
Für mich.

- Besitzt du jetzt ein iPhone? Gefällt es dir?

Ich hab eines seit 1 Monat, und ich finde es lustig - allerdings verliert man sich schnell darin, wenn man nicht über Selbstdisziplin verfügt. Kleines Gerät zum Ablenken :-)

- Fällt es dir schwer, jemandem ein Geschenk auszuwählen? Machst du oft Geschenke?
Nein, meistens nicht, außer Papa. :-p

- Handelst du öfter spontan oder geplant?
Spontan, eigentlich fast immer.

January 2010

- Bist du immer noch so eng mit Timo befreundet, ist er immer noch wie ein Bruder für dich?

- Stimmt es, dass ihr neue Bandmitglieder sucht?


- Liebst du Tiere?

- Wann kann man denn mit einem neuen Werk von euch rechnen?
In den nächsten Monaten, definitiv. Als erstes machen wir uns an das Video aus Hamburg.

Friday 19 February 2010

Timo twitter update 19th Feb

but the night sky in berlin sucks.. i need the nature.. so i must visit @laudenbonk every weekend, hehe :)
5 minutes ago from web

im at my new home.. in my new bed.. watching #SGU and eating granola.. :) im fine :)
32 minutes ago from web

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Timo twitter update 17th feb no.2

good night :) bye bu ba.. bow
19 minutes ago from web

Timo twitter update 17th Feb

sorry, this one:
about 5 hours ago from web
about 5 hours ago from web

installing "Final Cut Pro" on my MacBookPro.. I love Apple :)
about 8 hours ago from web

Timo twitter update 16th Feb

@_capuccino_ i do! :) good night everybody, thank you for your strong loyalty and support, i appreciate that!!
about 21 hours ago from web in reply to _capuccino_

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Timo twitter update 16th Feb

@lilmissqueen from canada to paris to see a german band :) you will make a big trip ;)
about 1 hours ago from web in reply to lilmissqueen
Lilmissqueen wrote: well I will arrive from Canada beat that!! ;)

@xmusik you will arrive from spain? far far away :) im glad to play the concert in paris! :)
about 4 hours ago from web in reply to xmusik
xmusik wrote: i will go to see you but from Spain! HAHA! i wanna a gift for that!

nice :)
about 4 hours ago from web

SchneiderKsu really nice work, but whos the other gay guy?? :)
about 7 hours ago from web in reply to SchneiderKsu

ScheiderKsu wrote: ehm. i know you won't watch this picture, buuut.. x) ^^ i attempted to do it well..

David twitter update 16th Feb

Heute Abend ist Maria-lisa wieder bei Stefan Raab! Wenn ihr sie unterstützen könnt würde ich mich freuen! Sie ist leider etwas erkältet.
about 1 hours ago from Twittelator
English: This evening Maria-Lisa is again with Stefan Raab! If you could help/support her, I would be happy! She is unfortunately with a little cold!


David twitter update 15th Feb

@YuliaRus ja, we did :-)
about 16 hours ago from Twittelator in reply to YuliaRus

YuliaRus wrote: David, do you really give interview to russian magazine "All Stars" recently or they deceive us again?

Monday 15 February 2010

Timo twitter update 15th Feb

On the way from gym back home listen to MJ's 'Jam'.. The King will live forever :) i love the 'shuffle'-function..

8 minutes ago from txt

David twitter update 14th Feb no.2

about 21 hours ago from web

Tickets for the concert in Paris!

On this site you can buy tickets for the concert in Paris, 24th April 2010!
This site is found on "Le Trabendo's" homepage (the place where the concert is played):

Translation of the article in the Russian magazine

Here is the translation of the article from the russian magazine!!
You can read the translation on:!!!

Sunday 14 February 2010

Saturday 13 February 2010

David twitter update 13th Feb

Für Alle Deutschen, Die Zum PARIS KONZERT Wollen:
about 6 hours ago from web

David Conrad Just Arriiiiived :-) Finally :-) We'll record Vocals this WeekEnd!
about 17 hours ago from web

David is recording vocals with Destination Anywhere

David wrote on twitter, that he is recording vocals with David from Destination Anywhere this weekend :D :
"David Conrad Just Arriiiiived :-) Finally :-) We'll record Vocals this WeekEnd!"

Paris concert confirmed?

Just on Twitter David wrote:

"Für Alle Deutschen, Die Zum PARIS KONZERT Wollen:"\
English:For all german, who wants to come to the concert in Paris:"\

So that might mean the concert in confirmed :)

Thursday 11 February 2010

Panik in russian magazine!

no. 4, 2010

Source: ,

Away the next 4 days!

Hallo all wonderful Panik fans :D
Tomorrow/12 Feb (way too) early in the morning, I will take an airplane to Athens ;)
And I will be back monday/15 Feb in the evening :)
So... There might not be news in these days. But if it's possible for me, I will find a computer and write some news when I'm there! But I can't promise it :)
Everyone, have a nice weekend!
Love from Line


Wednesday 10 February 2010

Destination Anywhere tweets!

Today we'll be in the rehearsal room... finally. Next week vocal recordings for the album! Happy birthday @laudenbonk, we love you -David
1:14 PM Feb 6th from web

Destination Anywhere request us to vote for Panik! :
Why didn't they pick US? Are they blind? Deaf? Whatever... vote for Panik: -David ;)
about 2 hours ago from web

Timo twitter update 9th Feb no.2

@Sam_Sandiego for all of you!! and dont forget to change your IP.
about 8 hours ago from web in reply to Sam_Sandiego
Sam_Sandiego wrote: ihr seid doch nominiert!! und nur sie oder wir alle ??? ´cauz to vote for you its very hard ;)

@Jjannika25 if we were nominated, you get a special album.. and if we win, you get a concert :)
about 8 hours ago from web in reply to Jjannika25
Jjannika wrote: haha :D and what we gonna get for this? :P

wow, please vote for us:
about 9 hours ago from web

David Twitter update 9th Feb no.3

juuhuuuu :-) Herlichen Glückwunsch, Lisa!! :-) Danke an alle!
about 10 hours ago from web

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Pre-nominate Panik for Live-act!!!!

Remember to help Panik getting nominated to a Comet, for Best Live!
Vote for them here!

Timo promised us on Twitter:
"if we were nominated, you get a special album.. and if we win, you get a concert :) "

So pleeease!! Vote vote vote, and get everyone you know to vote!!

David twitter update 9th Feb no.2

Ich fand Maria Lisa super :-) hat sie gut gemacht!!
2 minutes ago from Twittelator

Timo twitter update 9th Feb

Bitte, bitte helfen:

20 minutes ago from web

David twitter update 9th Feb

Hallooo :-) wenn ihr heute abend Stefan Raab guckt, votet bitte für Maria-Lisa (kt tunsall cover) :-) ist eine liebe Freundin von mir :-)
6 minutes ago from Twittelator
English: Hii :) When you this evening is watching Stefan Raab, please vote for Maria-Lisa (kt tunsall cover) :-) Is a very loverly girlfriend of mine!

Concert in France?

Panik are going to make a concert in Paris the 24th April 2010, tells the Official French Panik Streetteam!
Read the message (on french) here!

The concert will be at "Le Trabendo".
On Le Trabendo's homepage, they have also written the Panik concert in their calender!
Le Trabendo's homepage!
All members, except Linke will be at the concert.

Panik have not yet confirmed the concert!

Timo twitter update 8th Feb no.3

I eat way too much.. Bellyache! Autsch..
about 14 hours ago from mobile web

Monday 8 February 2010

Timo twitter update 8th Feb no.2 - Timo and David making sushi

- - Wow, the first selfmade sushi experience
4 minutes ago from TwitPic - Cooking sushi with David..
13 minutes ago from TwitPic

Timo twitter update 8th Feb

The vet said: "Its not as bad as all that.." yees :)
about 3 hours ago from web

At the animal-doc, because of my dog! Hope everything is okay..
about 4 hours ago from txt

David twitter update 8th Feb

Mjaaaam :-) birthday table :-)
about 6 hours ago from Twittelator

Sunday 7 February 2010

Timo twitter update 7th Feb

@verylala Barney Stinson :)
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to verylala
Verylala wrote: Where the Hell did that come from? Did you came up with that by yourself? :P

Think of me like Yoda, but instead of being little and green I wear suits and I’m awesome. I’m your bro—I’m Broda! :)
about 2 hours ago from web

Timo Twitter update 6th/7th Feb

Oh god.. My hero Jack O´neill:
about 9 hours ago from web

David myspace status 6th Feb

Thanks to all of you for all your nice congrats and regards! I had a very nice day - and will answer to this many, maaany msgs in the next days! Good Night!

Mood: optimistic

Saturday 6 February 2010

Timo twitter update 6th Feb no.2

Weve played "Laser Mission". It was fun.. Thanks to Davidoff for the great day :) siiiiing
1 minute ago from web

Fast translation FAZ article

Hi guys, now I have translated the whole article! And I have almost translated it all and almost direct... somewhere there is something I haven't translated cause I didn't understand it, or I though it didn't make sence or wasn't really important.. and there is some lines I haven't used, cause I didn't think it was important. But almost EVERYTHING about Panik, I have translated.. Sorry for mistakes and such!
The beginning is not direct translated, the most...

The Group Panik
Disaster in the music Jungle
by Jan Hauser

They tell about Timo, that he close his eyes and dream about to play shows infront of 1000 people, in France, Russia and so. He dream about that people bought their album. He scream into the microphone. Nevada Tan that once was seen as being the next big "young" band.

One way to Pop-Olymp and back, thats how the ticket could sound like. Timo Sonnenschein, 22, short black hair, rap and scream, even though the band is broken. And then what they have experienced. When, when the single only few weeks in the chart was. When, that in the musicbusiness it's difficult to make ends meet. They rehearse for the last tour together in Germany, without knowing it was a goodbye (final tour).
David Bonk, 22, shoulderlong black hair, is sitting with his guitar in a armchair. Next to is Juri Schewe, 23, drumer, blond mane. They make rock with rap and singing, with German texts, Which is about love, the environment, the world is turning, dark, aggressive and loud. DJ Jan werner, 21, Bassist Christian linke, 22 and the singer Frank Ziegler, 22, is standing in the sitting room....

Konzerte in Paris, Prag und Moskau

In Hamburg-Bergedorf, In the bungalow in Hamburg-Bergedorf, have rented it for the band instrument cases and equipment is lying around.
Ziegler, full beard, long brown hair, knitwear hat, is from Heidelberg, drummer Schewe from Hamburg, and the others from Neumünster. The wall in the sittingroom is orange. In the hallway hang their portraits on the wall. They have got them in Eastern Europe.

In may 2007 got their first album “Niemand hört dich” no. 8 at the German chart, sol 100 000 times and got Gold in Russia. They played in Paris, Prag and Moscow, was nominated for Echo and Comet. But they got no money out of the sold albums. Even before the second single, they sued their manager and producer.
In the court the judge called the contract unconscionable.

November 2005, Hamburg, Theater “Neue Flora” a band competition. Panik also took part. A man in a white shirt, speaks to the young musicians: “Near, we have a studio, will you come with us?” They came with, and was enthusiastic. “We saw the studio and wanted to make music” say David Bonk, multiple prizewinner at the piano at “Jugend musiziert”. SO he tells the story: Sonnenschein and himself, the band founder, know each other from the nursery, even drop out of school – Like Jan Werner did some times after.

„Der größte Fehler in unserem Leben“

They are the next nine month continuous in the studio, working on their songs. The two managerproducers only sometimes short drops by – they are searching for a recordcompany for the band, they are just called Nevada Tan. The guys only come with them when they have to do something. Then they played a concert, a “showcase”, because the band was introducing to a record company, this time Virgin. Short after that, a concert for Sony BMG in club “Knust” in Hamburg. As they there walked up on the scene, came Daniel Lieberberg, chef „Domestic Rock Urban“ for Universal in Germany. He shaked their hands. Two weeks later the managerproducer send for them in the studio. They should just sign the contract, "or Universal would pull it back!" they undersigned “the biggest mistake in your life” say Sonnenschein

“We don’t see it like it went so fast.” (they mean that it wasn’t that fast as Panik say) say Sihi Schuller from Universal.
Schuller have bands like Tocotronic, Mando Diao and Madsen contracted and supervised Rammstein. Universal also contracted Nevada tan, without they were able to take a closer look at the surroundings. That is not normal, Schuller think, often you know the partners in the music industry. At that time it was also about “momentum”, at the right time. “To find a good band has often somewhat been impulsive” that also includes the record company.
First to develop the energy, that use a creative collaboration. “If the record company that miss, it becomes only work and not more passion”.

Universal have the managerproducers 100 000 Euro for the record. But Nevada saw no of the money. Sometimes they got money to buy food. They saw that they have been betrayed. When they found out the managerproducers also wanted 40 % of income, the young men searched a lawyer. He called the contracts worse than anything he has seen in the music industry so far. The case came to the court. After one and a half year, the band came to terms – they didn’t want to though all instances fight.

He had the idea to create the band, says Ebby Höler.
one of the two managersproducers today, “Then we had a Band casted together, that have fit”
*don’t understand the next long part*
“They were 17 and 18 years old and had no idea of songwriting.

Sie sollten Nachfolger von Tokio Hotel warden

Hölver sees no fault with him, “The band is themselves stupid, if you once are no. 8 on the chart, then you are megalomania” He would apparently also not only a little get. “The boys should be the successor to Tokio Hotel.” The record company suddently wanted the group for themselves. “Universal had raised the band against us and then everything had broken without reason”

*Translated part missing*

It was clear for them, that with the complainting the band and the project was broken. Because of that, he had nothing earned says Hölver. In the other way: He could write off investments of about 15 000 euro.

Es ist Ihnen einfach zuviel

Since 2008 is Nevada Tan called Panik – as the band before was called. They live in the first line of money from their parents and the ones they have earn through performances. Musically, they take care of almost everything themselves. Their second Album, that David bonk have produced, they like more than the first one. But hardly anyone remembers das. In September got their song “Lass mich Fallen” only at no. 62 on the German singlechart.
"That's disappointing when you have worked so hard in over a year" says Ziegler. The single was 4 weeks at the top 100 singlechart. Whether it is the name change, the change in the music industry or late delivery in the shops, can nobody ecaxtly say – the single sold not as expected, wished and dreamt off.

In the end of October 2009 informed Linke, Ziegler, Werner and Schewe the others, that they no more energy had, that it was too much for them, that they would leave. Shortly after, they announced the departure. The band founder Sonnenschein and Bonk would keep on “When a fan tells you, that it goes bad for the person, but our music and texts gives the person new faith in life” says Sonnenschein, “that is the exact reason, why we make it"

December, Frankfurt, ”nightlife”. It is gloomy and dark, a Rockcellar, 300 fans, in the first ten lines all girls, some is even from Sweden and Spain. After the concert is a lot of people waiting, the muscians comes later and writes autographs and takes photos. Timo Sonnenschein hugs a girl with his right arm, looks in the camera, then hug the next with the left, then on to the right – a minueslong changegame.

Plattenpolitik macht kein Spaß

A little later they sits in front of the club in a minibus with which are with them on tour. Sonnenschein shines tired, even, at the scene sound his voice still powerful, now rather tired. After the first single would their Management them not anymore attend, he tells. Had they not left their Management, were their Album not broken, perhaps everything would have been different. Finally, they had received very good reviews.

Christian Linke walks in. The tour make fun, he tells, but the company record not. Their faces, for example, were on the album, because some of the record company wanted it. You have to fight, to put yourself through, Sonnenschein says. Linke understand that, but don’t wont it anymore: “The bottom line, if it is going bad with you, then you should think about yourself.” He will try to get a clear head in abroad. Wener will continues his studing for chemical-technical assistant, Schewe studing sine October drums in Bremen, Ziegler have a role in the movie “alles für Lila” got.

“I stop going on the scene” tells Sonnenschein. Their farewell concert in Moscow last Saturday, they had to cancel recently, because the hall because of missing safety had to close. Their Bandhouse in Hamburg they have taken awat. Here will they no more scream. Bonk and Sonnenschein will this year as second a album release, but they don’t know how and where. “Aber we know no matter what, that it is our life”


Photos from Frankfurter Allgemeine article

Die Bandmitglieder der Gruppe Panik Gebastelte Fanpost
Ihr erstes Album erreichte in Russland Gold
(click at the photos)

Frankfurter Allermeine article

In the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine, there is a artikle about Panik, from yesterday (05.02.2010).
You can read the
article at FAZ.NET in German.

Timo twitter update 6th Feb

Back from berlin.. On the way to ¡laudenbonk :)
about 4 hours ago from txt

David twitter update 6th Feb

Thank you for all your birthday wishes :-)
about 1 hour ago from Twittelator

Panik in der FAZ
about 1 hour ago from Twittelator

Panik in FAZ (German newspaper (?))

Happy Birthday David


So, now, today it's David's birthday :D
22 years old!!
We wish him all a very nice day, with a lot of happiness!!
Happy Happy Birthday dear David!


Friday 5 February 2010


Every week, there is a new Flashlist! , on
And there is a statistics, where you can see how high on the list Panik have been in the last days, and it's falling!!
So we need to remember to vote, every week :D Just to make them on a better place!!
Vote here!

Thursday 4 February 2010

COMET 2010: Pre-Nominees - best "live"

For Comet 2010, you can pre-nominate Panik, in the Category "Live" (best live artist(?))!!
So we can vote for, that Panik will be nominated!!
Vote HERE, at!!

The next preformance will be with 5 of the guys!

As, David said on Twitter, he next time the guys will preforme it will be the 5 of them(Frank, Juri, Jan, Timo, David).. So, The concert in Moscow, might still not be totally chanceled!

David twitter update 4th Jan

- :-D
about 7 hours ago from web

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Vivi from Aloha From Hell about David

On, you can ask Vivi questions!!
And Vivi answered at the question: What do you think about David Bonk?

And she answered:
he's a really nice guy and a good musician!!
i love working with him and recording some songs together.
it's always fun.


David twitter update 3rd Feb

@NicNatsNathi wahrscheinlich zu 5t
2 minutes ago from web in reply to NicNatsNathi

English: Probably 5 (people)

Nichatsnathi wrote: o.0 Sag mal David, die nächsten Auftritte sind die zu zweit oder zu fünft?
English: Tell me David, the next performance, will you be two or five (people)?

nein, ich bin immer noch in Lüneburg, nächste Woche nehme ich aber wieder David ( @officialDA ) auf, und bin dann wieder hier.
8 minutes ago from web
English: No, I'm still always in Lüneburg, next week I will take over to David (@officialDA), and then I'm here again.
haha :-)
9 minutes ago from web

Moscow gig postphoned to Marts-April?

according to MUSICKNESS Russia, the gig in Moscow, have been postphoned to the end of Marts, or beginning of April, 2010!



Tuesday 2 February 2010

Timo twitter update 2nd Feb

Good Night :) there is so much snow! 'Im Eissturm verklingt dein Hilfeschrei' ;)
2 minutes ago from mobile web

Timo Twitter update 1st/2nd Feb

I just finished my book.. Im totally thrilled! Cat and Panther are dead. Hawk are searching his live.. Good Night :)
about 12 hours ago from mobile web

Monday 1 February 2010

Timo twitter update 31st Jan no.2

wow, just read fan-post from all over the world.. it gives me so much energy to go on! thank you so much for your support. youre the best!
about 14 hours ago from web