Saturday, 14 November 2009

David twitter update Nov 14th no. 5

@dejavue_ I don't give up. As I am already answering on every eMail: Timo and me will continue. Good night, everyone! (60 Mails

I didnt YET, im still ON IT! :-)

(He answered a girl who wrote:if you answer all emails of the last two days you should answered mine [cause i sent it early], but you didn't...)

@Retrokind whats your myspace email name? I answered EVERY email of the last 2 days, that I READ. Im still on it - if i ignored it, it was by accident. Im sorry.
(he answered a fan who wrote: ich gehöre zu gelesen und gekonnt ignoriert )

Okay, 50 emails are answered, now, somebody wanted to go to sleep now - who was it? :-D (I dont read mals from panikmusik, only laudenbonk)

@vampirwaschbaer calm down - 200 emails on 2 days is already very much, darling.
(he answered a girl who wrote: und was ist mit mittwoch und donnerstag`??????? werden die jetzt ignoriert??? o_O
English: And what about Wednesday and Thursday?? Have they just been ignored?

okay, 40 emails answered - and still 16 pages in front of me, for only today and yesterday.. aiaiaiaiai.. :-)


@_Edelweiss_ no, not "read" - "answered"!

@Infernoing @FreakyConny jaaaaa :-)




He is counting how many mails he has been answered on myspace :D haha
I have decided not to put the time for when he wrote it on, is it too messed up now?


mily said...

poor david... it is so sweet of him that he answers to the fans :)<3

Line said...

Yeah! It's crazy! And I'm going crazy about him (ey, I'm crazy too Oo) - maybe it's because I'm too tired too, But, Oh My God...
Okay, Serious again!
He's just so sweet to answer all these mails, it's crazy! I can't believe he is doing it!!