Monday, 7 December 2009

Panik won 2 CMA awards!!!

Panik won Gold the award for "Beste Band National", at the CMA award 2009!!!
They also won silver in the category "Beste Single National", with Lass Mich Fallen!!
You can see it


mily said...

ha ha, tokio hotel, eat our dust xD!

mily said...

for the Viva Eure Top 100 you can vote as many times as you want! (and you don't have to wait 24h like the other votings!)

SS said...

Haha, they beat Tokio Hotel, both best band national and best single national. Well done :D

... And I just happened to notice that Alexander Rybak won bronze for best singer and best single international, that's... funny :P Has to be the first time a norwegian guy wins a CMA i Germany xD

Line said...

Oh yeah!! - Muhaha!
Hahah, Mily xD That's right!!
Ey, yeah, cool with Alexander xD Wehe!
Thank you mily :D

mily said...

this video:
is san diego live in frankfurt:) don't just post it, watch it...

(i just want to know if this behavior is because it's their last tour and they want to show eachother love...)

Line said...

Hi mily!! Thank you so much xD
Oh God, these guys is just crazy xD :D hahaha!!
Ah, well, the guys love each other, I don't doubt that at all!
And well, in the song, he says "Bis meine Bandkollegen komm und mich befrein" So, he talks about them too xD So it's strange he do that too.. But really really sweet xD
What the fuck is Timo doing xD Haha, He is totally destorying it for Frank who stands there and just keep on sing the song in the right way. But my God, Timo and Linke are very entertaining xD
Well, I have no idea if they are used to do this, but I haven't seen it before.. Really, I don't know if it's because it's the last tour, but I understand them if it is!!

Line said...

Well, anyway.. They do something like that in some of the other videos! especially Frank!