Thursday, 10 December 2009

Timo twitter update 10th Dec no.2

@kristinxmueller okay thats it..
23 minutes ago from web in reply to kristinxmueller
(Kristinxmueller wrote: kann leider auch nicht kommen.War auf dem Frankfurt Konzert!Gibt es irgendwie ne Möglichkeit,von euch Autogramme zu bekommen?)

English: I can't come neither. I was at the concert in Frankfurt. Is it in anyway possible to get a autograph from you?

@kristinxmueller so, youre the second one.. please wrote me a privat message here on twitter..
43 minutes ago from web in reply to kristinxmueller

@Odine_Ishikari yes we will play in moscow in january..
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to Odine_Ishikari
(Odine wrote: you will play in moscow??? please reply me. I need to Know)

@SilberFrau i wrote you, JUST post if youre ABLE to come..
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to SilberFrau

(SilberFrau wrote:Wow! Cool=)Timo,I'm sorry.I can't go to concert,because I'm from Russia..But thank you.=)Do you want to do it again in Moscow?=))

sunshine-dreams is the correct answer :)
about 1 hour ago from web

@SilberFrau you won! please wrote me a private message here on twitter.. :)
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to SilberFrau

Just post a tweet if you are able to come tonight: the first one who post the name of my filmcompany wins a ticket and will be on the list!
about 1 hour ago from web
Aw, poor Timo :o Oh God.. I feel so sorry and angry for him! Both the girls couldn't come, then why did they ANSWER?! God.. Poor Timo, I understand he got angry!!!


korny said...

yeah, totally :|

mily said...

well, yeah, i can totally uderstand him....

Agiee26 said...

that is just rude ... the girls wasted his time ! and made a lot of mess ! i understand why he's mad too. I would also be mad .

Ju' said...

Can understand why Timo was so angry, these girls can't come, so .. ? It's stupid.