Monday, 5 March 2012

David + Timo twitter update 5th March

David: Je älter wir werden, desto mehr wird zur Routine. Dadurch kommt es uns so vor, als würde die Zeit schneller vergehen
English: The older we get, the more gets to be a routine. And so, for us it seems like that time moves faster.

Timo: or: we are worrying about our future constantly, so we have no time to seize the moment. Im ill.

David: really? well, well.. If I feel myself getting ill, I simply STOP being ill, and be awesome instead. True story.

Timo: Yeeeh, ive tried, ended up with chips and a headache in front of a lame movie bout a gay Tin Tin and an Unicornboat.

David: you say "a" Unicorn. Not "an" Unicorn. :-D

Timo: did i mention i have a headache?

David: twice, already. me too, was triggered by starwars p3. I'm about to set a new distance record for projectile vomiting. :-D

Timo: Dont forget, the force will be with u, always.

David: yes, i know. have a good night. geek. :-p

Timo: To finish my geeky "5 minutes": "You r my precious."
Timo: ...not! Woooord!!!

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