Monday, 5 March 2012

David twitter update 5th March

(newest tweets first)

thx @nord_licht ;-) i'll end this conversation now, as the solution is written in every book. :-)
Nord_licht wrote: 'xperfectiondoll just saying is right, if you ask american poeple! ;) guess its different here and in England ;)

@BethanySawako @BlauesSmartie check the official english grammar education page:…
BethanySawako wrote: it is an unicorn lol because i come from england and I know English hehe and is right :)

@BlauesSmartie ..btw.. das buch möchte ich sehen, in dem behauptet wird, 'u' wäre bei 'unicorn' ein gespr. vokal :-)
English: Btw.. I would like to see the book which says that "u" in "Unicorn" is pronounced as a vocal.
BlauesSmartie wrote: dann glaub du mal weiter was du glaubst. Ich weiß was wir gelernt haben und was meine Freunde sagen deren Muttersprache es ist:)
English: Then you just think as you like. I know what I have been taught and what my friends which native languages is English have said

@BlauesSmartie ..grammared.. :-D haha..
BlauesSmartie wrote: besser als deine :P aber da du so fame bist hast du ja natürlich immer recht Und machst keine Fehler :D
English: Better than yours (friends I think) :P But since you are so famous of course you have always right and makes no mistakes :D

@BlauesSmartie ..and its 'serious' pages, not seriously. it's 'an' adjective, not 'an' adverb in this case :-D
BlauesSmartie wrote: its not an opinion it's a fact ;) I know how to talk in English i'm talking to Irish and English friends everyday!
and I know that I am right cause all our Irish and English friends told me that :P

@BlauesSmartie uhuuu, 'a' friend :-D haha :-) well, obviously this is 'an' endless war. your opinion vs mine :-) i'll stop here.
BaluesSmartie wrote: of course all the specialised books are false and my friend from the UK learned it also wrong at college ...clear David xD

@BlauesSmartie or this..? :-D…
BlauesSmartie wrote: well I can't keep up with your seriously internetpages :D

@BlauesSmartie yes. anyways, many things are tought in school, which are obviously wrong :-)… ;-) big topic..

@BlauesSmartie just for you to notice, darling..… ;-) Good night.
BlauesSmartie wrote: idiots

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