Tuesday 19 October 2010

Frank with girlfriend by the Dome


The text for the photo (translated):

Ole Fischer, Franky Ziegler (with girlfriend Johanna Klum)
and Kostja Ullmann (Foto v.l.) are the band „Berlin Mitte“
- Btw, there should have been an article in Bravo about Frank and Johanna, but I have not been able to find the article.. sorry!
- Johanna and Frank were in the Jury together by "Dein Song"
- In November 2009, Frank and Johanna as "Junge Helden" visited two schools together. See some few photos almost all way down on this site!

- Sorry for being such a bad News writer - btw!



Anonymous said...

http://twitpic.com/2opeku this is the article out of the bravo

Line said...

Thank you SOOO much!!!