Monday, 30 November 2009

Timo Twitter update 30th Nov - to David

@laudenbonk but in the "guy-love between two guuuuys" way :)
3 minutes ago from web

@laudenbonk i love you :)
4 minutes ago from web

INFO: The quote he writes is from the song on this video , hehe

David twitter update Nov 30th

Mixing on some new Destination Anywhere tracks..
less than 20 seconds ago from web

Timo Twitter upodate 29th/30th Nov.

nice new design:
about 3 hours ago from web

Alter Latz :) and -- LOVE THEM :)
about 14 hours ago from web

Sunday, 29 November 2009

David twitter update Nov. 29th

Now answering again some mysapce mails and than having foooood :-D
10 minutes ago from web

@FreakyConny jap :-p
10 minutes ago from web in reply to FreakyConny


Timo twitter update Nov 29th

On the way back to Neumünster.. We had the last prac before the tour starts..
2 minutes ago from txt

November interview from Rock One with David

The interview from the French Rock one, Translation by

It took two years of hard work in the studio for Panik for the second album with the same name to first see the light. David, the guitarist, talk to us about this enriching and benefit experience for this German sextette.
We left Panik in June 2008, determined to take a hold of their destiny. Something that the group from Neumünster, near Hamburg, did during these long months of silence : "Last two years were filled witch challenges and problems for us" concedes David, guitarist and co-producer of Panik. "It would be a lie to claim that all of this didn't infuenced the music and the work progress."

Each song should be unique

"This album is a mirror of our own experiences" continues the guitarist. "It is so filled with effort, passion, happiness and frustration that it is for now impossible for us to make any judgement. We are still too close to it emotionally." As you might have understood, the realization of the second opus, which finally just came out, wasn't always fun for its authors. The six young Germans locked themselves in David's own studio, endlessly re-editing their new pieces before leaving to record them at the HansaTonStudios, in Berlin, with Alex Wende (renown producer outre-Rhin) with no less then seventy demos in their pockets. "We wanted this album to be the most perfect as possible. We had to look for a long time to find the good studio and a good producer. Then, we had to choose between all of these demos that we each have listened to hundreds of times", explains David. "After that we did a sort between all the songs, we wanted each piece to be different from one and another. Our goal was for each song to be unique." Overall, it is obvious that "Panik" will surprise more than one fan of "Niemand Hört Dich", first album that was released in 2007, at the time when the band was still named Nevada Tan.

We have grown, and our music too

From the neo-metal genre that characterised them, Panik tried really hard, from the powerful "Jeder" to the very hip-hop "Kinder", passing by the ballad "Keiner Merkt Es", "Wir Geben's Zu" and the acoustic "Bevor Du Gehst", to compose real modern rock and complete album : "The way we write our songs has always been the same for six years (laugh). Timo writes the lyrics, and I take care mostly of the music part, even more today as a producer. Linke, who has a big talent for melodies, of course also takes part in the music composition. In a short time, we've grown a lot, and the music too - it's that simple" simply declares David. "Also, we pften used that with Jan, our DJ, we could allow ourselves more arrangements because he was able to replay them on stage. Otherwise, what would be the point of having one! And that's why our songwriting has no limits."
All that is left for us to do is enjoy this album, proving that Panik is one of the biggest hope of rock version. To give you an idea, you can already listen to the single "Lass Mich Fallen", available on their Myspace. Even though David admits that
"it was our label that chose it for us, we still don't have enough detachment on this album to choose the single!"

"Panik" by Panik

We asked David to describe each song from "Panik" in one sentence ...

1. Jeder : It's the most powerful song from the album, and one of the best riffs that we have ever writen !
2. Unsere Zeit : I love this very energetic piece and we can now play it in four different rhythms !
3. Lass Mich Fallen : The most innovative song of the album, and the first single.
4. Keiner Merkt Es : A song written a few years ago by Linke and we finally decided to put it on the album.
5. Morgen Cafe : Our favorite live song. Timo's lyrics talk about a love relationship, and that's what I love cause the instrumental part has nothing to do with a love song !
6. Wollt Nur Wissen : The only song in 6 time on the album ! In fact, the demo version sounded very "irish", but we decided to cut out that side in the final production.
7. Kinder : We started from the piece "Ce Pia Ali", on my personal Myspace page, cause we thought it would be awesome to make a real song with it. And, here it is, it's my favorite !
8. Was Würdest Du Tun : Is it really necessary to talk about this one ? (laugh)
9. Noch Nicht Tot : A practice room song! And one of the best to play live. I love Timo's lyrics because even tough he didn't write it to describe the band situation, that's what the song makes me think about.
10. Ein Letztes Mal : That's the song that gave us the most challenge. It took two years before it was completely done!
11. Wir Geben's Zu : One of my favorite songs. I really like the beat, kinda experimental, and the overall dynamic.
12. Bevor Du Gehst : That's my song !


David twitter update Nov 29th

..and again.. Go Go Go to the last practice before the tour starts :-)
about 1 hour ago from web

David twitter update Nov 29th

..and again.. Go Go Go to the last practice before the tour starts :-)
about 1 hour ago from web

Saturday, 28 November 2009

David twitter update Nov 28th no.2

Für all die, die nach HH zum Konzert kommen - bitte meinen aktuellen Blogeintrag lesen ( )
43 minutes ago from web

English: For all who are going to the concert in Hamburg - please read the blog (

News about the Hamburg concert - David blog

Hamburg Show (german entry only)
Hey :-)

Wir wollen unser Hamburg Konzert festhalten, Audio so wie Video und dafür brauchen wir EURE Hilfe. Wir haben uns gedacht, es wäre eine super Gelegenheit für Fans, mit uns auf der Bühne zu stehen, um das Konzert zu filmen.
Selbstverständlich braucht ihr dafür eine eigene Kamera, und das Interesse, das Konzert zu filmen - denn, da brauchen wir uns nichts vormachen, natürlich wird das Konzert für euch sehr anders wirken, wenn ihr AUF der Bühne steht, statt DAVOR.

Wenn ihr Interesse habt, bitte schreibt uns eine Nachricht an

Vielen Dank & Rock On,

English translation by Scorpia - THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!: ¨

Hey :-)

We want to retain our Hamburg concert, audio as well as video, and therefore we need YOUR help. We thought that would be a super opportunity for fans to be on stage with us and shoot the concert.

Of course you need your own camera and to be interested in shooting the concert - because, as we do not fool ourselves, the concert will be quite a different experience when you're ON stage instead of IN FRONT.

If you're interested, please write us a message to

Thank you very much & Rock On,


Panik at the new Rock one

Text: "After the split... PANIK explains themselves"
Thank you Korny, Mily and Ju' for the translation!!


David new myspace blog - About French show

This Blog Entry is dedicated to VISITORS of a not already secured PANIKconcert in PARIS:

Hello French Fans,

we, the band PANIK, need YOUR help in a special case.
We want to play a concert in Paris - but to realize this concert, we need your voice.
If you would come to our show in Paris (we will plan it, as soon as possible - probably in the beginning of 2010), please leave your name on this link:

I hope to see all of you in Paris soon!

Regards & Rock On,
Thank you Mily for the tip!

David twitter update Nov 28th

Good Morning - today is practise-day :-)
36 minutes ago from web


Friday, 27 November 2009

You want Panik to Paris?

Hi guys!! David just put this link on his twitter:

At the site is written:

"To: French clubs and presenters

Hello Fans,

this is an official PETITION.
Please sign it, if YOU want PANIK to play in PARIS as soon as possible.
We need it as an argument, to convince the locals clubs.
Sincerely, "

And then you can undersign it, if you could come to the concert in Paris if it was there!

David twitter update Nov 27th no.2

4 minutes ago from web

are french fans online here?
6 minutes ago from web

@cokierecek sure :)
8 minutes ago from web in reply to cokierecek

@cokierecek in the beginning of 2010 - but nothing is sure, yet. We just got the offer.
12 minutes ago from web in reply to cokierecek

@cokierecek We have an offer to play in Warsaw, we are on it.
14 minutes ago from web in reply to cokierecek

btw.. PANIK is on the next Cover of the RockOne :-)
21 minutes ago from web

Panik to Paris AND Warsaw

David wrote at his twitter:
"Trying to prepare some announcement for a Paris show..."

What could that mean? A Panik concert in paris maybe?!

Cokierecek and David talked:

Cokiereck: paris paris only fucking paris .. maybe poland ?
David: We have an offer to play in Warsaw, we are on it.
Cokierecek: when ? :)
David: in the beginning of 2010 - but nothing is sure, yet. We just got the offer.
Cokierecek: accept offer :D
David: Sure :)


David Twitter update Nov 27th

Trying to prepare some announcement for a Paris show...
about 1 hour ago from web

Neue Fragen/Antworten auf :-)
about 4 hours ago from web


David's desktop!!


He have some really interesting files!! Wow, Niiice...
Ein Neuer Tag - Russian... , Panik - Das wars jetzt..., Schöne emails xD (oh sweet)... , Irgendwann oh, I just wish to heard that one SO much!..., Unterwegs...., Panik feat. DA - Give it away!!...., Panik neustart tattoo, hmm?

Wow, really something to think about!


David twitter update Nov. 27th

grrrr! ;-) So again: uaa, I was just informed, that I will have my practical Driving Test in 2 weeks! :-D Juhu!
about 2 hours ago from web

Timo Twitter update Nov -26th/27th

Oh, sorry, that was me ( laudenbonk ), Timo was again using my Laptop, not looging out! Grrrr!
about 2 hours ago from web

uaa, I was just informed, that I will have my practical Driving Test in 2 weeks! :-D Juhu!
about 2 hours ago from web

Hey, 3001 followers! :) Is anybody out there? :)
about 3 hours ago from txt

GeniusDina @panikmusik, ;D
about 20 hours ago from web in reply to panikmusik
Retweeted by panikmusik and 1 other

Thursday, 26 November 2009

David interview from

The interview from
Thank you Mily for the tip!

- Willst du später mal Kinder haben, wenn ja wie viele? Mädchen oder Junge?
Ich denke ja, 1. Und.. woher soll ich das wissen? Das Kind sucht sich die Eltern aus, nicht umgekehrt :-)

- Unsere Fans sind ...?
Unbeschreiblich - und mit Abstand noch um einiges besser, als Beyonce's ;-)

- Woran denkst du, wenn du an das Jahr 2004 zurückdenkst?
Mh, als Erstes an meine Freundin, die ich damals hatte, dann an Schoolyardheroes, Local Heroes und School Jam :-D

- Wie findet ihr es, dass einige Fans stundenlang vor eurem Studio gewartet haben?
Nett, ich hab ja auch eine Belohnung dafür bekommen, dass ich abends meistens noch runterkam, um mich mit ihnen zu unterhalten :-)

- Welches Instrument findest du unheimlich gut aussehen wenn jemand es spielt?

- Was hast du auf deinem Laptop als Desktophintergrund?

- Für wen hast du den Song "Bevor du gehst" geschrieben?
Für mich selbst.

- Wie heißt im Moment dein Lieblingssong?
Claire De Lune.

- Was trägst du zum Klimaschutz bei?
Licht aus, Heizung aus, Vegetarier sein!

- Würdest du etwas unternehmen, wenn ein Kind vor dir geschlagen wird?Aber selbstverständlich!

- Was sagst du zu den jungen SängerInnen beim "Supertalent"? Findest du das gut oder denkst du, dass das zu früh ist?
Zu Früh? Ich denke, in einem jeden Alter ist so eine Show der falsche Zeitpunkt :-)

- In welcher Stadt hat es dir bei der Unplugged Tour am besten gefallen und warum?
Ehrlich gesagt gibt es da keinen Liebling. Das Programm war in jeder Stadt anders, und dadurch immer wieder geil :-) Hat alles sehr viel Spaß gemacht :-)

- Wenn du der König der Welt wärst, was würdest du dann ändern?
Haha, find ich gut.. Könich :-D Ich denke, das erste wäre, zu versuchen, dass jeder wenigstens eine Sprache lernt, die jeder auf der Welt spricht. Dann läuft die Kommunikation einfach schon mal deutlich besser :-)

- Es gibt leider wenig Merchandise-Artikel von euch. Wird es auch mal Poster zu kaufen geben?
Wenn ihr es wollt.

- Was macht Lina in eurem Studio?
:-) Mein Studio, meine Katze :-)

- Du hast gesagt, dass auf der DVD auch ein Konzert von euch aus China zu sehen ist...?!
Nein, das hat Frank gesagt, allerdings ist das eine Fehlinformation.

- Hast du was Besonderes an Halloween gemacht?

- Wie feierst du Weihnachten?
Mit meiner Familie und einem Tannenbaum.

- Gibt es ein Gemüse, das du überhaupt nicht leiden kannst?
Jaaa, Rosenkohl!!!

- Glaubst du an Magie?
Nicht in diesem Sinne.

- Was habt ihr für das nächste Jahr geplant?
Viel :-)

- Was würdest du gerne in deinem Leben noch erreichen?
Filmmusik zu schreiben, und ein paar Menschen mal gehörig in den Arsch zu treten!

- Wann hast du das letzte Mal geweint?
Das ist gar nicht so lange her..

- Spielst du lieber Akkustik- oder E-Gitarre?

- Konntest du dich in der Schule für Wandertage begeistern?
Damals nicht, jetzt schon.

- Was hältst du von übernatürlichen Kräften, spiritueller Heilung usw?

- Hast du jemals Momente gehabt, in denen du gedacht hast, dass es mit der Musik nicht klappt?



-Do you want to have kids, if yes, how much? Girls or boys?
I think yes, 1 und.. how should I know that? The kids choose the parents, not the other way ;)

- Your fans are...
Indescribable - and with distance some better than Beyonce's ;-)

-What do you think at when you look back at the year 2004?
Mh, as first my girlfriend, who I had at that time, then at schoolyardsheroes, local heroes and school jam :-D

- What do you think about when some fans in hours, wait outside your studio?
Sweet, I have also a reward for that got, in the evnings I usally go down and talk with them.

-Which insturment do you think looks terribly good when someone plays it?

-What do you have at your Laptop as Desktopbackground?

- For who have you wrote the song "Bevor du gehst"?
For myself

-What is your favourit musiknumber right now?
Claire De Lune

-What do you do not to protect the climate?
Light off, heating off, be vegetarian

- Would you do something, if someone hit a child in front of you?
Of course

-What do you think about the the young singer (a girl) in "Supertalent"? Do you think it's good or do you think that it's too early?
Too early? I think, that in every age such show is at the wrong time :-)

-In which city did you like it the best and why?
Honest, is there no favourite city. The program in every city was different, and therefore always again nice :-) Have all a very good time :-)

- If you were the king of the world, what would you then change?
Haha, That I like..."Könich" :-D I think, the first was, to try to do so all learend at least one language, which every one in the world talked. Then will the communication be much better.

- There is unfortunately not much Merchadise-articles with you. Will it once be possible to buy posters?
If you want it.

Was do Lina do in your studio?
:-) My studio, my cat :-)

- You have said that at the DVD there will also be a concert from you in China?
No, That has Frank said, all is a wrong information.

- Have you done something for Halloween?

- How do you celebrate Christmas?
With my family and a Christmas tree

- Is there any vegetable you don't like at all?
Yees, sprouts!!!

- Do you believe in magic?
Not in this sense

- What have you for the next year planned
A lot :-)

- What do you want to achieve in your life?
Make filmmusic, and a par of people once to hit in the ass.

- When have you last time cried?
That not that long time ago.. (aaw!)

- Do you prefer to play acoustic- or E-Guitar?
That mood decided

- Could you be excited about school trips?
Not at that time, but now I would

- What do you have of supernatural craft, spiritual healing etc.?
A lot

- Have you once have a moment, where you have thought about that music wasn't going to work for you?
Translation by me

David twitter update Nov. 25th/26th

Good morning, today I will record a band named "SmallTownRiot". Punknroll :-)
about 6 hours ago from web

Good night Timo @panikmusik , good night twitterworld, good night theorydrivinglicense - and sleep well, Bach IV ;-)
about 16 hours ago from web

Hello Timo @panikmusik , hello twitterworld, hello theorydriverlicense, hello BACH IV :-D
about 16 hours ago from web


Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Timo twitter update Nov. 25th

Goodbye Hamburg :)
about 3 hours ago from txt

Hello Altona! Hello world.. Hello twitterverse.. Hello ¡laudenbonk, Hello rainy day!
about 5 hours ago from txt

Timo twitter update Nov 24th no.2

First, TIMO REPLY AT ONE OF ME TWEETS!!!!..... - Sorry.. xD um here it comes:

@tschuldigung i hope so too.. - cant sleep..
about 15 hours ago from web in reply to tschuldigung

(I (tschuldigung) wrote: Oh! I just hope so much they will find out something here in Copenhagen! Now we have worked so long time for this meeting!)


Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Timo Twitter update Nov. 24th

please vote for our planet:
about 2 hours ago from web

Timo twitter update Nov 23th no. 3

- love it.. :) good night
about 9 hours ago from web


Happy Birthday Juri!

Happy Birthday Juri!! with the 23 years!!
We wish you a nice day!
Happy Birthday!!!

Monday, 23 November 2009

Timo twitter update Nov. 23th no.2

@EnnaEsperance hehe... the tour starts on 6 decembre ;)
8 minutes ago from web in reply to EnnaEsperance

(EnnaEsperance wrote:das glaube ich erst, wenn ich es getestet habe =D)

@Sam_Sandiego haha, indeed :)
18 minutes ago from web in reply to Sam_Sandiego

(Sam_sandiego wrote: ;) jetzt wiss mas, hehe)

Happy Slapsgiving: thanks to @VGrandby
about 1 hour ago from web


David twitter update Nov 23th no.2

@FreakyConny dankesehr :-) es hat geholfen! :-) @xxNathi natürlich hab ich bestanden, sonst hätte ich nicht "done" geschrieben :-)
about 1 hour ago from web

Timo twitter update Nov 23th

Wow :) congrats to ¡laudenbonk :)
about 1 hour ago from txt

David twitter update 23th Nov

Doooone :-)
12 minutes ago from txt

Okay, 13.30h is the time of the truuuuth :-D stay with me in your thoughts :-)
about 3 hours ago from web


Saturday, 21 November 2009

David twitter update Nov 20th/21th

- learning for my driving theory test on monday now :-)
about 2 hours ago from web

@Jaga25 good luck ;)
about 5 hours ago from web in reply to Jaga25

Good morning :-) I'll start the day with runniiiiiing :-)
about 5 hours ago from web

The song I produced WON at Kika!!!! :-D
about 17 hours ago from web


Friday, 20 November 2009

New Timo blog on myspace

Now Timo have wrote a new blog,
You can read it here!!!

Artikel from Bravo - "Zickerrei bis zum Schluss"

"Zickerrei bis zum Schluss! "
Aufregung bei Panik. Letzte Woche gab Bravoexklusiv die Auflösung der Band bekannt - sogar ihr Plattenlabel erfuhr die Naricht über uns. Die Ex-Stars selber zickten darauf heftig auf ihrer Internetseite rum - und verhängten Sänger Franky (22) einen Maulkorb, der Bravo die News vorab steckte. Schon immer gab es intern Zoff zwischen den Bandmitgliedern - bei ihrer Auflösung macht die Band da keine Ausnahme. Zickereien bis zum Schluss ! Wenigstens Franky hat jetzt noch eine Zukunft im Showbiz : Er hat eine Rolle im Disney-Kino-Film "Alles für Lila" (ab September 2010) ergattert. Viel Glück !"

Source: !!!!!

Tension by Panik. Last week Bravo exclisively announced the break-up of the band - even their recording company found out only because of us! Ex-Stars even complained at their internet homepage - and put a muzzle on singer Franky's mouth, who told Bravo the exclusive information. There were always arguments between the band members - and they made no exception by the break-up. At least Franky has some future in the Showbusiness : He became a part in Disney Movie "Alles für Lila" (Sept. 2010). Good luck!



From now on and till tomorrow, about 3 o'clock there will be no news!!
Have a nice day guys!!


David twitter 19th Nov

@nightmar3e3 Yes, of course we do :-) and @FreakyConny - keine Angst, Du weißt es bestimmt besser :-p
about 16 hours ago from web in reply to nightmar3e3
English: No worry, you know it better (-?)
(Nightmare3e3 wrote: panik love Russia? because russia loves panik !!!! <3333333>
FreakyConny wrote: Mhh wieso sieht der tweet so komisch aus? also das englisch?Wenn ich Englisch jetzt verhau bist du schuld... du verwirrst mich!

English: Mhh, Why does that tweet look so komisch? ! That english one? When I now english builds, is it your fault... you confuse me! )

Just made some new Photos - they will look great ;-)
about 17 hours ago from web

Timo twitter update 19th Nov

@BellaRagazza89 very nice :) :) --> Aragorn is back: wow,it will be great!
about 13 hours ago from web in reply to BellaRagazza89

@pogolino http://elfyourself.jibjab.c... haha, sooo super funny :) hehe
about 13 hours ago from web in reply to pogolino

@3typen wow, friday? oh fuck, the week is gone to soon..
about 13 hours ago from web in reply to 3typen

Thursday, 19 November 2009

David twitter Nov 18th no. 2

so, 15.11 is done, i started the 16.11, but now ill go to bed. Good night!
about 17 hours ago from web

@BlauesSmartie so that everyone can understand :-) Im going to sleep now, after again answering a few emails! Have a good night, everyone!
about 17 hours ago from web in reply to BlauesSmartie
(BlauesSmartie: warum... schreibt ihr euch auf englisch obwohl ihr beide deutsch seid? :D)

@Kimberly_x3 Dunno.. Im working with Cubase since it was Cubasis :-) Thats.. at least 10 years ago :-)
about 17 hours ago from web in reply to Kimberly_x3
(Kimberly wrote: achsoo, naja so gehts natürlich auch ;D.wielang hast du eig gebraucht um die programme so richtig benutzen zu können?)

@suvyi :-) I will!
about 18 hours ago from web in reply to suvyi
(Suvyi wrote: go sleep !)

@Kimberly_x3 No, i work with Steinberg / Mac OsX, AND Logic (only Mastering).
about 18 hours ago from web in reply to Kimberly_x3
(Kimberly wrote: @laudenbonk arbeitet ihr auf nem Mac mit Cubase!? Ich dachte Logic läuft darauf viel besser!? )

@hellygrace - Nice, nice :-)
about 18 hours ago from TwitPic

Nooo, i forgot my CubaseUSBstick in the Pracroom! So NO working tomorrow.. Ahhh, what am i gonna dooo? I never had free time-what is that?:)
about 18 hours ago from web

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Week since the break up!

Well, today it's one week since we got the horrible news, the 11th November 2009.
One week since the guys told us the sad new about that they breaked up, or that 4 of the guys would leave the band!
How are you guys feeling?
I'm feeling better now, and kind of have accepted it now..
But it's still really unreal for me!


Timo twitter update 18th

@EnnaEdge jap.. I love the OST "Bourne Identity - Main Titles".. in a few minutes i will make my first ebay purchase since 7 years..
about 2 hours ago from web in reply to EnnaEdge
(EnnaEdge wrote:@panikmusik reichlich spät, nicht wahr?;))

Album Release Russia: 16 Novembre!!!! Out Now..

about 15 hours ago from web

David twitter update Nov 17th/18th

@HellyGrace !!!! Cool!
about 5 hours ago from web in reply to HellyGrace
(HellyGrace wrote: - I saw this girl about a week ago. See @panikmusik und @laudenbonk, wir lieben euch hier in Russland =) Sehen uns)

Haha, ja, Since 16/November our CD "PANIK" is released in RUSSIA!
about 6 hours ago from web

Good morning :-) Since 17/November our CD "PANIK" is released in RUSSIA!
about 6 hours ago from web

@eliise_ Jap, thats it. Good night everyone! :-)
about 16 hours ago from web in reply to eliise_


Album release in Russia

The new album "Panik" have been released in Russia since the 16th November!
So now, you can buy it in Russia

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

David Twitter update Nov 17th

I promised I will answer every eMail i can to this subject, and im slowly done, but please be patient. Im giving my best.

@deine_natalie Im on it, Natalie, but as sorry as I am, im still at 15.11, myspace inbox page 21.

(Deine_natalie wrote: @laudenbonk Davi, bitte... --> inbox --> "über Konzert in Minsk" )

(vEwQa wrote:I'm sad.. please try to write me something what will make me laugh.. I know you can make it..)

And damn, Inventions (for 2 hands) BACH, 1 IV in Allegro 72bpm is fucking impossible.. started 2 days ago, but still hard to play in tempo!

@11th_echo Das hat die Konzertagentur gebucht, nicht wir.

English: The concertbureau have booked that, not us
(11th_echo wrote: @laudenbonk und deshalb ist das letzte konzert in russland? ;D - english: And therefore is the last concert in Russia?)

Das ist, wie im Statement schon angesprochen, leider Deutschland.

English: It is, as already spoken in the statement, unfortunately Germany

@11th_echo @xxNathi weil es leider hier nicht solch ernstzunehmende Zeitschriften gibt, wie dort. Wir machen hier auch etwas, sobald es geht
English: because it unfortunately dosen't have such serious magazins is, as they have. We will also make some here, as soon as it gets (?)

(11th_echo wrote: toll, für die franzosen gibt's so'n interview, für die russen das letzte konzert und was kriegen wir?! :D oô --- English: Great, for the French comes an interview, the russian gets the last concert, and what do we get?)

Oh, and Timo and me gave an Interview incl an official statement on the announcement from last Wednesday TO rockone france (december issue)

Just returned from running, will now play piano - and watch OCEANS 12 :-) (prolly the 4th time? :-) )

I haven't put the time on!


Timo twitter Nov 16th no.2

@callmejen jap, hab ich jetzt auch rausgefunden :) check this guys out: they are so amazing :) ha
about 12 hours ago from web in reply to callmejen

(Callmejen wrote:@panikmusik es gibt einige af objektive, die man aber auf manuell umstellen kann)

Monday, 16 November 2009

David Twitter update Nov 16th no. 4

again after only a few answered mails, i will go to sleep now. Im tired from yesterday. :) good night!
3 minutes ago from web

@blubbelchannel blubb :)
5 minutes ago from web in reply to blubbelchannel
(Blubbelchannel wrote: einfach blubben, einfach blubben, einfach blubben, blubben, blubben :) )

David twitter update Nov 16th no.3

Oka, Ill now go running, play piano after that and again answer eMails. ...Groundhog day :-D
about 2 hours ago from web


Timo Twitter update Nov 16th no.2

@Jessy_sparkle warum denn das??
about 2 hours ago from web in reply to Jessy_sparkle
(Jessy_sparkle wrote: Hab gerade die @panikmusik Poster abgehangen.. trauriger Moment :(
English: have hang the Panik (@panikmusik) poster up... Sad moment )

Verdammt,hat Jemand noch n manuelles Nikon Objektiv, bei dem man die Blende per Hand verstellen kann?Mist, die werden wohl nicht mehr gebaut
about 2 hours ago from web
English: Damn, Do everyone have the manual for Nikon Objektiv, Where you can adjust the blitz (I think) with the hand? Rubbish, They are probably not build anymore.


David Twitter update Nov 16th no.2

@Petush funny :-D Autobahn :-)
6 minutes ago from web in reply to Petush

(A girl asked: @laudenbonk hi, how was ur driving lesson today? :))

Soooo, guten Morgen :-) I will have my next driving lesson now, wish me good luck :-)
about 6 hours ago from web

Timo twitter update Nov 15th/16th

good night, twitterverse.. thanks for everything!! (im looking really forward to the decembre shows, and of course moscow too !!)
about 9 hours ago from web

hello david :) how are you today?
about 10 hours ago from web

ups.. that was me (laudenbonk) :-)
about 10 hours ago from web

14.11 is done!!! :-)
about 10 hours ago from web


David twitter updare Nov 15th/16th

12 pages left-now i will end, and go to sleep! Have a good night, you all!(keep watching :-) )
about 9 hours ago from web

@pandziucha I actually dont know, sorry!
about 9 hours ago from web in reply to pandziucha

(He answered a person who wrote: @laudenbonk David, help. I wanted to send a question to Linke on his music, but myspace is just for friends. Is there any other option?)

Okay, I answered 8 Pages now, I will end. Still 13 pages open of 15.11, i will try to get that tomorrow!
about 9 hours ago from web

about 9 hours ago from web

@Infernoing If I do, Fans are again mad at me, that i "dont answer". I'm such a "fan" pleaser :-p
about 9 hours ago from web in reply to Infernoing
(He answered one who wrote: @laudenbonk go to sleep.. you'll finish it later. Who knows what kind of things you'll write when you're sleepy ;D)

@BellaRagazza89 Thank you, I love this song!! Helps me to concentrate, while answering mails :)
about 9 hours ago from web in reply to BellaRagazza89

(he answered a person who wrote: @laudenbonk you should take a break ;) and relax a bit while listening to this ;) )

okay, already 20 of the 15.11.
about 9 hours ago from web

now here.. 14.11 myspace mails are aaaanswered!! :-) Finally! Now im going to the 15.11 - thats 17 pages.. juhu.. :-)
about 10 hours ago from web


Sunday, 15 November 2009

Frank and David by "1, 2 oder 3" - FIRST TIME WE SEE THEM SINCE THE BREAK UP!

THIS! Is the first video/photo we have seen of the guys since they told about the break up!!!!!!
THE SHOW WAS NOT LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So.. we still haven't seen the guys since!

David twitter update Nov 15th no. 2

@7meterthrow Ja, nur z.Zt. leider nicht möglich.

English: Ja, only (don't know what z.Zt means) unfortunately not possible
(he answered one who wrote:@laudenbonk Hut ab für diese Ausdauer! Wäre es nicht trotzdem leichter, oft gestellte Fragen einfach mal "offiziell" zu beantworten?^^) English: Take the hat of for this staying power! Wasn't it anyway easy, often to answer questions simpel "official")

@Melodylaniellla Yes, im still answering :-)
7 minutes ago from web in reply to Melodylaniellla

David twitter update Nov 15th

@comehereagain I started yesterday with answering emails, and I started answering the 13.11 emails.
22 minutes ago from web in reply to comehereagain

@vampirwaschbaer Jap. :-)
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to vampirwaschbaer

Wuhuu, now the 13.11. is complete done (i hope so), and now ill go on with breakfast :-)
about 1 hour ago from web

I now did everything from 13.11.2009, from 0:00 till 21:23. Stilll going on. (getting hungry.. :-) )
about 1 hour ago from web

So, see? 75 Mails already answered. :-)
about 1 hour ago from web

Ahh, where is my laptop? I bet Timo stole it, thats why he couldnt sleep! RRR! :-) Good morning!
about 2 hours ago from web


Timo twitter update Nov 15th

I didnt saw the Michael Jackson movie, i hate me for that! I saw him live 1997 and it was a really big and epic show!
about 13 hours ago from txt

What about sunrise? What about rain? - What about us? :(
about 13 hours ago from txt

Awake, im still awake! I hate it.
about 13 hours ago from txt

I cant sleep.. I have so much in my head spinning around.. (is this right?) wtf, i should sleep! Its 5:00!
about 13 hours ago from txt

so, good night twitter people.
about 14 hours ago from web


Timo twitter update Nov 15th

Das erste Mal in Neumünster feiern, wohl auch das letzte Mal :)
English: The first time to paty in Neumüster, also the last time

Saturday, 14 November 2009

David twitter update Nov 14th no. 5

@dejavue_ I don't give up. As I am already answering on every eMail: Timo and me will continue. Good night, everyone! (60 Mails

I didnt YET, im still ON IT! :-)

(He answered a girl who wrote:if you answer all emails of the last two days you should answered mine [cause i sent it early], but you didn't...)

@Retrokind whats your myspace email name? I answered EVERY email of the last 2 days, that I READ. Im still on it - if i ignored it, it was by accident. Im sorry.
(he answered a fan who wrote: ich gehöre zu gelesen und gekonnt ignoriert )

Okay, 50 emails are answered, now, somebody wanted to go to sleep now - who was it? :-D (I dont read mals from panikmusik, only laudenbonk)

@vampirwaschbaer calm down - 200 emails on 2 days is already very much, darling.
(he answered a girl who wrote: und was ist mit mittwoch und donnerstag`??????? werden die jetzt ignoriert??? o_O
English: And what about Wednesday and Thursday?? Have they just been ignored?

okay, 40 emails answered - and still 16 pages in front of me, for only today and yesterday.. aiaiaiaiai.. :-)


@_Edelweiss_ no, not "read" - "answered"!

@Infernoing @FreakyConny jaaaaa :-)




He is counting how many mails he has been answered on myspace :D haha
I have decided not to put the time for when he wrote it on, is it too messed up now?

Destination Anywhere albumproduktion

Well, we know that David produce for a band called Destination Anywhere!!
Here is some videos about the albumproduktion, Sometimes David also turns up! (seems like he is the one who is working the most of the time!)

David twitter update Nov 14th no. 4

- :-)
5 minutes ago from web

@panikmusik redbull? seems like youre bored :)
40 minutes ago from web

Timo Twitter update Nov 14th - Good news for russian fans!!!

We play the gig in Moscow!!
20 minutes ago from txt

Das letzte Mal, dass ich Red Bull nur so getrunken habe, muss ewig her sein :) ich weiß nicht ob ichs gut finden soll..
about 1 hour ago from txt

English: The last time I only drank Red Bull, (?)I don't know if I should think that it's good.

David twitter update Nov 14th no. 3

...on my way back home, looking forward to answer hundreds of eMails, juhu :-)
about 2 hours ago from txt

Timo myspace blog - So ist es, und so wird es bleiben..

So ist es, und so wird es bleiben..

So ist es, und so wird es bleiben.. Das ist das Leben.. Ich sitze hier und weiß nicht, was ich schreiben soll.. es ist genauso schwer für mich, wie für euch.. doch so ist das Leben.. es geht nur in eine Richtung, und egal wie sehr man der Vergangenheit nachtrauert, sie kommt nicht zurück, deshalb sollte man glücklich sein, über das, was man erlebt hat, über das, was man erleben durfte. Sei jeden Tag glücklich und mach das Beste draus, so in etwa sollte man sein Leben sehen. Und auch wenn die Zukunft anders aussieht als zu erst gedacht, ist es trotzdem deine Zukunft und das bleibt sie auch, deshalb verbau sie nicht, aufgrund der Frustration über das Nicht Geschaffte.
Ich geb nicht auf.. Ich habe das Glück Menschen um mich herum zu haben, die mir zeigen was Richtig ist, und selbst wenn sie das nicht tun, trotzdem an mich glauben und mich manchmal wachrütteln. Ich habe manchmal solche Phasen, wie sie wohl jeder hat: Alles ist scheiße. Und dann steiger ich mich rein. Das ist für einen Moment okay, und auch für eine bestimmte Zeit, aber irgendwann muss man wieder aufstehen, auf die Beine kommen und weiter machen. Ich weiß, dass es alles furchtbar traurig ist und ich weiß, dass es sich Viele anders gewünscht hätten, ich auch, aber das Alles sind Dinge, die uns wachsen lassen, das Alles sind Sachen, an denen wir zeigen müssen, wer wir sind.
Eine tolle Band hatte mal gesagt: Wir alle haben Probleme, nur wie wir damit umgehen, zeigt wer wir sind.
Ich geb nicht auf; ich habe nicht vor, mich zu verkriechen und mich zu bedauern, oder die Zeit. Ich geb nicht auf.. Ich werde kämpfen, wie ich es immer getan habe und ich bin unfassbar glücklich, solche Leute bei mir zu haben, die mich so unterstützen: Euch.
Was ich für tolle Geschichten in den letzten Tagen gelesen habe, über euch, euren Freunden, das, was ihr mit unserer Musik verbindet und was durch unsere Musik geschehen ist, bestätigt mich dabei, nicht auf zu geben. Ich bekam Briefe, über Freundschaften, die entstanden sind, über Menschen, die am Ende waren und Nichts mehr konnten, weil ihnen so schlimme Dinge widerfahren sind. Und wenn ich dann lese, dass unsere Musik diesen Menschen geholfen hat, neu an zu fangen und sich auf zu rappeln, dann ist es das Beste und das Schönste, dass mich stolz macht. Das ist mehr Wert als die Goldene Plastikscheibe an meiner Wand :) eigentlich sollte ich eure Briefe aufhängen!
Ja, es ist ein Ende und ja, wir werden fast alle auseinander gehen, und ich hoffe, Jeder wird auf seinem neuen Weg glücklich. Ich bin es.. dank euch..

So is it, and this is how it will be.. This is life.. I'm sitting here and don't know, what I should write.. It is just as hard for me, as for you.. but it is life.. It goes only in one direction, and no matter how much you in the past mourn, it will not come back, and therefore should you be happy, because of that, that you have experienced, because of what you allowed to experience. Be happy everyday and make the best out of it, in that way, should you the life see. And also when the future looks different than you first thought it would be, is it anyway your future and it will remain it, so don't try to re-build it based on what you haven't reached
I will not give up, I'm so happy I have people around me, who tells me what is right, and even when they don't does it, still believe in me and sometimes make me a wake-up call. I have sometimes these phases, as we all have: Eveything is like shit! "und dann steiger ich mich rein". It is for a moment okay, and also for some time, But at some point you have to get up again on your feet and move on. I know that all terribly sad is and I know that there are many who would have wished otherwise, me too, but those are all things that help us grow up, those are all things that help to show us, who we are.
A great band once said : "We all have problems, but only how you deal it shows who you are.

I do not give up; I don't hide somewhere and complain me, or these times. I'm not giving up .. I will fight, as I always have done and I'm happy to have people by my side, who supports me: You.
I have been reading great stories the last days, about you, about your friends, about what you connects to our music and what happened to you through our music, confirm me to not to give up. I got letters, about friendship, which were made, about people, who were at the end and who couldn't more, because horrible things had happend to them. When I read this, that our music have helped these people to have a new start, then it is the best and the wonderful, that makes me proud. This is more worth then the golden plastic disc at my wall :) actually should I hang up your letters!

Yes, it is an end and yes, almost all of us will go different ways, but I hope, everyone will be happy on their new way. I will be.. thanks to you ..
Please just tell me if something is totally wrong!

David twitter update Nov 14th no.2

Die_anderen wrote:

@laudenbonk viel spaß dabei und grüß die anderen okay kannst es eh net lesen ^^ Aber macht ein tolles programm ^^
23 minutes ago from twitterfeed
English: Have fun and say hi to the others okay can it the net read (that must be the mobile) ^^ But make a nice program ^^

David wrote:

@die_anderen of course i can read it :-) my mobile is old, but not THAT old :-)
13 minutes ago from mobile web


David twitter update Nov 14th

On my way to HH, to the pracroom. Linke will be late :-) today we start creating the Tourprogramm!
10 minutes ago from txt


Friday, 13 November 2009

David Twitter update Nov. 13th

Finally I arrived back home! So tomorrow and Sunday I will spend all the time answering your eMails! I am with you all!
7 minutes ago from web

Timo Twitter update Nov 12th/13th

thanks for your love!!! im with you.. im so with you..
about 13 hours ago from web

Thursday, 12 November 2009

News tomorrow

Well, The news tomorrow will come about 3-4 o'clock!
I'm starting at a new school, and don't have too much time! So, the news will come a little late in the day..
I know this maybe has happend a lot of times before, but I just want to tell you, because I have been on all day long (almost) the last days!

Sleep well guys :)

Dein song, with Franky in the Jury

German channel - Panik will not split?!

This is translated by google translate, I do not understand russian, and the only way we can get a little of it, is to translate it here. So, what I get from it:

"A German channel said:
guys from the group Panik otigrayut (?) its program and will go on vacation. Recently, the group often misunderstandings and quarrels, but the participants said that no one is going to leave tvorchesvo (?) ... they just need to go for new energy for the new album. So sleep soundly "

- What the? Okay, Now it says that a german channel (Tv?) have said, that Panik will NOT split, and they will just take a break!
But this is not true, cause we know what the guys have told us, and we just have to believe them right now, as the only ones!!


Bravo - Did Frank tell them about Panik?

How did Bravo got to know about the splitting up?
In the text Panik wrote, where they told us that Panik would end, they also wrote that Frank haven't been in touch with the magazine.

But at Bravo's twitter the person who wrote the artikel writes:

Franky hat es mir letzten Donnerstag Nacht auf der EMA-Aftershow-Party erzählt. Er lügt! Sascha
English: Franky told me it Thursday night, at the EMA-Aftershow-party. He lies! Sascha!

Bravo on Twitter also wrote: "Gemein! Alle sind sauer auf Sascha, weil er die Trennung von Panik verraten hat... " And put a photo of a man (is it Sascha?) holding the bravo with the articel! See it here:
English: Mean! Everyone are angry at Sascha, because he told about Panik's split..."

Is this true or not? Did Frank tell her it? Anyway, If he did, I CAN'T believe that she actually wrote it in Bravo, and didn't give the guys a change to prepare they fans, or tell them it themself!! It's crazy!

AOL tells about Panik's break

At AOL music, they writes about Panik and their break
Read it here
- Nothing new!

Support Panik - tell what they means for you

To: everyone who likes PANIK
If you are on this page, it means that you are not indifferent in the destiny of the band Panik. You agree with us, that the boys affected on a life of each of us very strong. They are remarkable musicians and remarkable people. We do not want to release them; we do not want to surrender. Let's show them, how much we love them! Please, write, WHAT DOES THE BAND PANIK MEAN FOR YOU?


Go on this site:, and tell what's your feelings for Panik!!

Timo twitter update Nov. 12th

- - I will die now.. Oah
2 minutes ago from TwitPic - Oh no,after that,i become this for free!
5 minutes ago from TwitPic - Genau das Richtige jetzt. (ess ich nie)

8 minutes ago from TwitPic

English: Just the right (thing) right now. (I (normally) never eat this)

Message from David on russian forum

"David: "Definitely.
The band is not splitting up.
It is just that 4 will go.
Timo and I will stay.
The others will leave after January,

and we try to keep on.
as we always did.""
he also says that everyone's dislikes and problems were growing all these 4 years
(thank you to Mily!)

Source:,, thank you Mily for the tip!

Okay, the band will NOT split up.. But well, when only 2 out of 6 will stay.. it's kind of splitting up? But still, TIMO AND DAVID IS STILL HERE!!!

- - -
Oh God, I just knew it was David and Timo who would stay! I just couldn't see them give up like that, I have to say, I just want to talk to Timo and David, hug them and comfort them, it must just be SO hard for them!! Horrible!

Okay guys! I know this sounds strange and wierd, but.. well, Timo and David will keep up - and guys... Timo is the one who writes the text, David is the one who make the music!
Lets look at the bright site! It sounds like we will get some more music in the Panik-way! I know it's a little crazy way to look at is! But we have to look in the good way!

Twitter update Nov 11th/12th

Scheiße ey...
about 8 hours ago from txt

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Twitter update 11th Nov!!!!!

Its very unreal, i know.. i feel like you..
1 minute ago from web



Hi guys!
I have just stopped crying and I try to calm down! I have never cried this much in my life.
I don't really want to talk about how sad this is, and all, cause I really can't handle it, and I can't describe how sad I am!
I had never though this could happen. They were the last people I would ever think would split up. they just loved music this much, it was their life! It seemed like nothing could stop them, they just loved it, they loved to be together and they just want to make all the music they could! It comes as a really really big shock for me, and I though they were in their best period.
Right now I can't imagine how my life will be without them, Their music mean so much to me, I can't describe how special it is, it is so unique, and not like anthing else!! They are so special, I can't describe it! -
They have been a big part of my life in 3 years, and in the last 1 ½ year I have spend all my time on them, on making this blog, and writing news about them! And I have never become tired of it, I have loved it more than anything! I can't believe that this is the end, that it is not me getting tired of spending all my time on this blog, but that it should end like this!

- In the last time, there have been people who actually read my blog, more than one time! And I thank you all, everyone who have read this blog, and followed it! It means just so much to me! Anything! I know it sounds crazy, and I don't even know you, but you mean so much to me! It means so much to me. Because I have been writing this blog, for you! Because you wanted to read it!
Thank you all, you're amazing!!

- In the future:
I don't believe these guys would never make music again! I know it will be a very tough time, right now, and there will probably go a really long time, where there will not happen anything. But guys, I'm so sure these guys will make music again. Maybe them all in a band again? Or maybe just some of them in a band? maybe with new members in it? And maybe just all alone! We can't know that right now. But I do not think these guys can live without making music, I think they want to make more! Maybe they just need a break? Or maybe they will do it, in a different way in the future!!

- But, I promise you, I will follow these guys! Even if they go each their way, and they will end up in 6 different bands, I will follow them, and I promise you, I will write about them here!!
I will also write about the concert in december!
I will be at the Panik concert in Berlin the 9th december! I want to see them, for the first, and the last time! I can't live my life knowing that I never saw them! That I never heard they wonderful music, which means anything to me, live!


This must be so horrible for Panik! They just can't go on! I think they just want to do this! Make their music!! But they can't! It must be horrible!
I still hope, and believe, that these guys will start making music again!


It's the end. No more Panik.

english version:

It's tough for us to write these lines.

As yet it's been a long struggle, an exhausting way, and a part of the band doesn't have the energy to walk this way anymore.

It hurts but we have to understand and accept.
Due to this, we're forced to announce the band PANIK will not go on in this constellation, and the tour in December will be the last tour in Germany.

As someone on the outside you don't really know nor learn much about the music business.
You hear a song and if you like it, you get it, no matter legally or illegally, and that pretty much wraps it up in the most cases. We are living in a world, where you can get music for free, but we can´t live without at least minimum of money.

What's behind each and every song is unknown to the most.
A production, a management, a record label, a publisher and many, many more people and things.
If one of these pillars breaks away, it's tough for the band to fully focus on the music.
It's just too much politics; sometimes it's a never-ending fight to do what you actually want.
Just music. For this album release we fought and set all the stuff we didnt want aside.
We didnt "prostitute" ourselves. Unfortunately it's inevitable with our attitude and approach that a few of those supporting pillars break away.

All we can say is that not many bands went through the stuff we had to.
Loads of people kept telling us that we are pretty much like a magnet, attracting the shadowsides of this business.

We'd like to thank all the people who accompanied us in the last couple of years and stood in our rows loyal to the core.
It was a great and unbelievable time with you. You're great. And we think you might feel a little as we do.
An era comes to an end and this era was that unique due to you folks.


Your guys from PANIK

Ah, and for fuck sake, the questionable journalism of the German youth magazines doesn't even allow us to explain this to our fans first. Frank never was in touch with that magazine... Thank you very much.

I just put this on. And I'm not sure I will ever write again.
My live has just ended. It's destroied. It's the end!
I never think I would ever be so sad. I have never cried and been so sad as this before. My life is gone!
I don't think I can take this anymore.
I'm not sure I can take to write anymore again! This is the sadest day in my life!

Panik has broke up. There is no Panik anymore

The Bravo - break up story! - No scan yet!

Hi guys!!
I can't buy the new Bravo, cause I'm not living in Germany, and the magazin will first come to Denmark tomorrow or friday!! So I can't read it. And I can't scan it in, so you guys can see the articel!
I will be away in an hour now, so I can't write what is happening, but I will write as soon I'm back!

Twitter Nov 11th

A lot of people on twitter writes to Panik, and ask if it was true that they want to slit up and all!! -
Timo has just wrote:

we are workin on it--
about 1 hour ago from web

From - bravo - Panik breaks up?!

Okay okay! At they writes that in the NEW bravo there is something about Panik, and that they will break up?! writes:

Hallo liebe Panikfans,
schockierendes ist heute in der Bravo zu lesen.
Aber lest selbst!
"Panik Fans müssen jetzt stark sein!
Die Band löst sich auf!
Nach ihrer Tour im Dezember ist schluss.
"Jeder wird seine eigene Wege gehen", hat mir Sänger Franky gerade verraten.Grund sind der Flop des neuen Albums und die ewigen Streiterein mitPlattenfirma und Management.
"Wir haben so hart gekämpft - jetzt gehts nicht mehr.
"Tschüss, Jungs! *wein*"
Die Band selbst hat sich noch nicht dazu geäussert, ob es wahr ist, steht damit nicht fest.
Mehr später

Hello Panikfans
Some shocked news can you today read in the Bravo.
Read it yourself:

"Panik fans have to be strong now!
The band release themself.
After the December tour it ends.
"We go each our own way" have the singer Franky told me. The reason is the flop with the new album and the eternal arguen with the recordfirm and managers.
"We have so hard struggle - now this dosen't work anymore!
"Goodbye guys" *cry* "

The guys haven't said anything about this themself yet, so if it's true, is not sure jet.
OKAY! - Guys! THIS Can't be true! And I tell you! THis is NOT true!!!!!!!! Of course not!! I have no idea what is going on here!! But just wrote this! I don't know if it's in the new bravo!! - I try to find out what is going on! And maybe it's just a rumour someone have made!
The only place this is written is at, so I have no idea if it's in the new bravo. Noone else have wrote about it!

(fast translation)

David twitter update Nov 10th no. 3

good night @ everyone :-)
about 12 hours ago from web

Twitter update Nov. 10th

Oh my god, yes! Its awesome: Scrubs is back:
about 11 hours ago from web

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

David Twitter update Nov 10th no. 2

@pogolino danke :)
about 1 hour ago from web in reply to pogolino

okay... calm down...
about 1 hour ago from web

..and this fucking a*hole did already delete his account.. Aaaaargh!
about 2 hours ago from web

Fuck! I was cheated by an ebay User and lost 500€! Asshole!
about 3 hours ago from web

@PlasticMary I wanted to see 30stm.. but they moved the concert..
about 4 hours ago from web in reply to PlasticMary

David twitter update Nov. 10th

- is streaming the bundestag-live :-)
half a minute ago from web

@Laora Haha, Thank you :-p I will

3 minutes ago from web in reply to Laora

Thank you all for caring :)
6 minutes ago from web

@FreakyConny richtiiiig. :-)
9 minutes ago from web in reply to FreakyConny Paris, still having this fucking presure on my ear from this cold, rrr! Hope you feel fine!
14 minutes ago from web

Monday, 9 November 2009

David in Dein Song

Frank will be in there Jury, for Dein Song!
But David will also be in Dein song, he will produce!


Vote for Panik CMA 2009 part 2

Now you can vote for Panik for, "Best Single National"!! For the Celebrity Magazine Awards

David twitter Nov. 9th

@xxNathi ja, peinlich, peinlich :-)
30 minutes ago from web in reply to xxNathi

@xxNathi cmon, what was 1989 - 9.11? :-)
35 minutes ago from web in reply to xxNathi

today - 20 years ago.. :-)
40 minutes ago from web

good morning :-) Timo showed me this trailer: (whatch trailer, than tvspot)
about 1 hour ago from web
The girl xxNathi who wrote, didn't know what happend 20 years ago

Sunday, 8 November 2009

David twitter update Nov. 8th

hehe, listening to harry potter 5 - just love to listen to rufus beck :-)
about 1 hour ago from web

Twitter update Nov. 8th no.2

On the way back home..
about 1 hour ago from txt
